Friday, September 5, 2014

I recently Got a cold.... or did I?

What I'm about to say requires a strong constitution. You have been warned. Things are not how they seem... the gravity wave makes existence pliable.

Funny tittle, right? But, let's talk about the quantum space and "germs" and observation of stuff... you know, remember Heisenberg? Let's explore a bit in terms of  "germs" etc. To refresh, basically, Heisenberg said that whenever you look at something you "change" it. The act of examining it changes it in some way. More specifically, if I define its speed, I have no idea where it "really" is. Of course once you give up the need for a "really" then things change again.

This is where current "science" really breaks down. Everybody knows there's germs, right? Or do we? Several things come into play here. First off, whatever you say is so, is so. So, there was Louis Pasteur looking for "something" that caused something to happen, some kind of disease. Then he saw stuff under the microscope, right. Ah, there they are those little buggers. Those little wigglies. Must be those wigglies causing all this trouble. Okay, lets try this and see what happens. So, what if just postulating something exists, makes it exist. Remember in the quantum space, you get to say. Also, the gravity wave makes space pliable. You can shape what space "is" or the way it occurs to you. That is why I laugh when we hear about scientists "probing" the universe. I hear Carl Sagan's voice echoing in my mind about billions and billions of stars. The scientists want to look at the universe as some "fixed" thing. I look out into the "universe". The what? What it boils down to is that anything that is not immediately me... is out there and the universe... How about that for a definition. That means as I look out at my neighbors house... I am looking "out" at the universe!! Makes it a little more palpable, right. Not quite as mysterious in some ways... but very, very mysterious in others. Also, the concept of immediately me. That's the observer and observed thing. We'll let that go for now.

This ties in with we are all connected. We are all one. So, what I am saying is you can not separate yourself from the "universe". It is YOU. How could you see it if it weren't you? Oh, you'd see it with your eyes... what eyes? Really. How is what you are seeing occurring to you? How does it take shape in your being?

I know, I know... the retina, the rods, the cones etc. Then the fovea and its connection to the optic nerve. And, light and photons hitting the retina etc. etc. For me this "explains" nothing. A big story with lots of words. What light? What photons? Someone decided photons or light packets were a cool thing. So, therefore, THAT must be what stimulates your eyes. Why does anything have to stimulate your eyes unless you say so... the mystery gets bigger doesn't it?

Here's the bottom line: in a physiology book they talked about the nerves and all the synapses for muscle control.. however, when they addressed "how" a person raises his hand - they said he "wills" it... so much for the synapses and nerves, nerve conduction etc.

So, I'll say when we "look out" into the universe we are willing what we see!! When we look at another we are willing what we see... let's see each other for the magnificent beings we are... the creators we are... and when we do... we create it that way and it IS that way...

So, I got a cold... well, I got something I'll call a malady... I felt tired. I was coughing... etc. and I was in the middle of vacation. Didn't have time to slow down. So, I kept keeping on. All the while, the conversation I have a "cold" was going on. So, clearly, even though I can postulate all this stuff... I succumbed to "I have a cold" and "forgot" that at some level I was creating it. I didn't shift it. I did have the further conversation... this is my vacation and I am enjoying it... cold and all. That is all I'm proposing... be vigilant. Whatever is happening in your life is there for a reason. Tap into what that is for you and make personal choices around it!!