The Development of ICE, India & Old Lovers
A little history about the writing of ICE, India & Old Lovers. Montressa's journey is based on things that happened in my life. So, the truth of the matter is that nothing in this story is really "fiction". Everything actually happened exactly the way it is described, except it happens to the characters in the story. Well, there is some fiction... not a lot though. Fictional elements were used to enhance the continuity of the story, but events that happen to the characters are out of my "real life". I wanted to include these elements, because life is mysterious and I see appreciating this mystery as a good thing that will help move us forward on this planet. As Montressa would say, these elements are there to help us "navigate" the "quantum space". Otherwise, "We are navigating the quantum space without a license!"
Conceiving and writing this novel has assisted me in my life! The whole novel was written in a way that honors you, the reader, as a result of the challenges Montressa confronts. While many think wealth will solve many, if not all, their problems, Montressa clearly demonstrates that who you are and who you chose to be is far more important.
ICE, India & Old Lovers, reviewed by many New York houses, and in the hands of high level agents, ultimately did not sell in NY. Because of the potential of this manuscript I have decided to launch it on my own.
Originally, I planned to write a trilogy and this was the first of the trilogy. For the second volume of this trilogy I worked with Bill Thompson for about 5 months. Bill was Stephen King's editor for Carrie and John Grisham's editor for A Time To Kill. I learned a lot from Bill while we worked together and he helped shape the second in the trilogy.
Where Did This Story Come From?
I never told this story in any of my query letters... perhaps I should have...
And, you may laugh when I tell you... I started to write a sex novel on my lunch hours at work and after about a week, a being came to me as I was writing and asked what I was doing.
I told him, "I'm writing a sex novel."
"Why?" He asked.
"Seems like it would be fun!"
"Why don't you write a book with impact. One that changes people's lives!"
I said, "No! I don't get it? What would I base it on?"
He answered, "Your life!"
"My life? Oh, that's not that interesting."
He said, "Then why are you living it?"
He then added, "You should write a book that assists people in their life." I pondered his questions for a minute. Then said, "Nah...I don't want to that."
He then said, "Well, you may as well not be here, then!"
And, he immediately left!
So, basically, the short version of why I decided to the write the story as I did - is my life depended on it. I had to write from my truth, the truth that I am. That's all that was requested. The fact of the matter is your life depends on your ability to get to YOU at your CORE, the REAL YOU!! Otherwise, YOU may as well not be here...
That's a Power phrase and question, isn't it? "Then why are you living it?" And, "Well, then you may as well not be here!!" Very sobering... literally a gauntlet for life!!
You're probably wondering how to acquire ICE, India & Old Lovers!
See the page titled: Buying - ICE, India & Old Lovers. It provides all info for acquiring pre-print copies.
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