Buying - ICE, India & Old Lovers

How to get your Signed Pre-Release Copy

As of right now, I have about 60 2nd edition pre-print copies available that were intended for cover assessment, evaluation of the final product and marketing. My plan is to have this version available on Amazon. These versions do not have an ISBN or barcode and are pre-release. I would be happy to sell these for $ 11 per copy plus shipping. I will sign each copy with a personal message. These then would become collector's copies. My sense is that as this message goes out the project will expand. Originally, I planned to write a trilogy and this was the first of the trilogy. For the second volume of this trilogy I worked with Bill Thompson for about 5 months.  Bill was Stephen King's editor for Carrie and John Grisham's editor for A Time To Kill. I learned a lot from Bill while we worked together and he helped shape the second in the trilogy.

I have added a page under "home" on the top right that tells some of the history of ICE, India & Old Lovers. "Soul To Soul" comments are included as well from Annie Burnside author of Soul To Soul Parenting : A Guide to Raising a Spiritually Conscious Family, available at Amazon.

To purchase a pre-release copy:

Send an email to:

In Subject Line: Put the words - "Book Order" (if more than 1 copy -  state number of copies)


Subject: Book Order - 2 copies

Include your name, your postal address, and an email address you check regularly* where I will send a regular invoice for mail payment or a PayPal invoice (no account required for payment - just use your credit card).

*(I keep no lists nor will I share any personal info)


Copy and past this Format in the email and fill in the info:


Mailing Address:

Email for contact/billing:

No. of copies:

I would like to remit payment by: (Paste one below into the last line of the email)

Regular Mail Invoice  or  PayPal Invoice


The cost per pre-print book is $11.00 Plus 4.00 shipping per copy in a padded mailer only in the US.

In the US:

1 book is $11.00 + 4.00 shipping = $15.00

2 books is $22.00 + 8.00 shipping = $30.00 ...... etc.

Please note: For quantity orders pre-payment is required.

If someone has a reading or support group that would like more copies email me at the above email address. Put Reading Group or Support Group in the Subject. I can pack up to 10 copies in a priority mail medium flat rate postal box for $ 11.75 and you will have them in 3 days from when I ship.

I will also email you a confirmation invoice with the postal address you requested for shipping.

The address to mail your payment to will be on the invoice.

If you selected PayPal invoice I will send an invoice from PayPal. No account is required, just use your credit card through PayPal.

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