Friday, October 20, 2017

Entelechy & Predestination

I posted a memory the other day about an exciting concept and idea I had come across a few years back. The post was from October 18, 2013 about entelechy. In it I talked about relating to your future self. That being said, as an intellectualization, the question that comes up for me is: Isn't that predestinatiom? In a sense I already know where I can get to if I can contact my future self.  So, then it is predestination, right?

Here's where, and I have said this again and again, logic breaks down because the quantum space is not static. The future you in every moment "lives" just like the present you in the ever changing dynamic of the quantum space. The you that you are now will not wake up tomorrow as the "same" you. There will be a relation to the present you, but the you tomorrow will be a different you and here's the exciting part, will see and relate to the future you differently! So, the future you is dynamic as well. It is all malleable.

Well, the next question that comes up is: How can I "figure" anything out? It's all changing... constantly... Another exciting answer... You can't!! And, that is the point. This is why Montressa says, "Life makes perfect sense. There's no sense to make." At the same time, relating to the future you in any given moment is exciting. The wisdom of the future you in any given moment can be sensed by the present you and that sensing, in fact changes the present you. Which provides a new vision of the future you. You see, it is all inter-twined. There is no isolation and nothing is static in the quantum space. It is all dynamic.

How is that possible? The future you is as dynamic as the present you. Still, at every moment the future you still relates to the present moment you. While that is hard to fathom, it doesn't make it any less true.

As a practical example of this look at what we are living through now. Powerful stuff. And, changing day to day and even moment to moment at a rapid rate.