Thursday, October 2, 2014

Always BE YOU!

Sounds funny, doesn't it? Like how could I "be" anything else but me. My very existence is me, right?

I'll say this: Yes, that is correct. At the same time there are aspects of YOU you may be censoring. And, you and YOU know what I'm referring to. When the conversation comes up within you - "Oh, I shouldn't say that." that could be a sign that censoring is going on. And, yes, perhaps when you are in the present moment and aware of much, if not all of what is happening... the people around you that you are censoring yourself for may not be ready for "that" truth or that level of truth. That's fine. That's an intuitive call, or that's a call of discernment. At the same time, ALWAYS remember this life is about becoming the best version of who YOU are.  That discernment must fit and serve YOU.

A few quick definitions. When I say "you" that is the "ego" version of YOU processed through your intellectual aspect. So, "YOU" is the magnificent, dynamic, fully connecting energy that resides within your "core". It is limitless and connects with all that is. It navigates the quantum space perfectly and in some way can be a burden for the "you" of YOU. The "you" of YOU may not quite be ready to express YOU!

My point being that just because you suppress a desire to voice something, doesn't mean you are backing from the magnificent YOU. At the same time, there is a counterpoint. And, that is, you are afraid to be that version of YOU!!

Now the truth of the matter. Whether we are ready to recognize and acknowledge it we are ALL aware at some level of the present moment. We are intuiting continuously. Whether "you" wants to acknowledge the magnificence of that varies as our state of being. So, when "truth" is spoken in the present moment "we" all "get" it. We may not like it at the "you" level, but we all get it!! That's the part of us that needs to be "opened". To be able to look at things that are "true" that we do not like. That's where guts comes in. The question becomes, "Do we have the "guts" to acknowledge this and then make shifts that address this. It could be lifestyle changes, changes in our inner conversation, changes in diet... it doesn't matter. What matters is that when we hear the "truth" do we allow it to "resonate" in our being. Do we recognize the connection to YOU. Surely, that is where it resonates. And, as a result, we become more fully aware of who and what WE really are individually and collectively!!

Each time we touch that core within us... we touch that core for ALL of us! Exciting isn't it?

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