Monday, March 21, 2016

Feed Your Passion....

Feed your passion? Exactly. I wanted a short title that said it all. Some questions may come up.  What is my passion? What feeds my passion? Am I feeding my passion?

How this blog came about. It was just after midnight. I had a new set of blue tooth headphones and I was listening to Pandora just to see how they sounded. A Sequence of songs came along on our "Mumford & Sons" station. I listened with rapt attention. I could hear every nuance of the music in the noise cancelling headphones . I could hear and appreciate clearly the artistry of arrangements. The use of subtle percussion to drive rhythms. The musical passion of the musicians was mesmerizing. At the same time it was more than that.

As I laid back, I heard a directive: "Feed Your Passion" and I knew EXACTLY what was being asked at a very deep level. I always listen to these messages. They are so clear and definite.

It was about feeding my passion, but much more than that. It was about feeding the passion of as many others that will listen. Certainly, I will feed my passion. At the same time it is my desire that we each individually feed our own passions. No one can feed your passion for you.

It's not a one time thing. It is constant. Each day do something that inspires your passion. Something that allows you to sit back and say... ahhh... that feels right. That assists me. That assists who I am deep inside. It can be anything. A call to a distant friend. A Facebook post that reveals a part of you to friends. Giving assistance to someone. Sitting in a yoga posture that engenders a deep sense of who you are. It is important that the act "just" flow from you. It's not about how many points you can get on the feeling scale. Or about intentionally creating something. What is created flows naturally from you and is IN you and you then see that what is inside you is really outside you as well. It becomes as if you are looking at a mirror from both sides.

Places that may seem strange to you ultimately feed your passion. My blue tooth headphones fed my passion! Who knew! Pay attention. Be aware. Look for that spark of satisfaction that reveals you and who you are at the deepest level of this duality. It is one aspect of you, but it is rooted in the quantum space of all that is and your connection to your passion let's the space of all that is rise up in you. That is exciting to me, for it is the space of joy, when the space of "all that is" reveals in you. It is such a powerful place and it is important to know and acknowledge that you have touched that place... you have  allowed yourself to enter that sacred space. The sacred space of the joy of being you.

Many people want to "look" for their passion, like it is one thing. I'll be so bold to say that it is everything... everything you are and lives in everything that is. So, your passion has no limits! It is not just one thing... a passion for music, a passion for dance, a passion for leading, a passion for healthcare... yes, it is all of these both collectively and individually.

Here I was, looking at how my noise cancelling headphones sounded and yet, I was immersed deeply in who I am. Deeply in my passion for music. I felt myself at the deepest level. I became the music and expressed myself in myself through what the music awoke in me. Passion. This blog then too arises from my passion. It became really important to me to communicate what this experience awoke in me with the clear intention of awaking a passion in anyone who reads this.

Then, I realized all of my blogs come from this passion. So, from evaluating my headphones, then writing this blog, I had had this realization... it is all passion... just connect with what you do. Too many of us want to objectify it. Passion is this. I "work" at my passion. You may do what you call "work" at your passion, but make no mistake. If  it truly is "work"... it's not passion. It is not flowing from the unlimited source that is you.

Feed your passion so that it flows from the unlimited source...


  1. Thanks, Mike, for encouraging me to feed my passion.

  2. Thanks Vicki! I got a lot from the posts on my Facebook page as well.
