Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year...New Time... Happy 2014

So, it's a New Year soon and my life goes on.... but the question is how does it go on? When I wake up to a new day, what is it I see? What I see is what I have generated to this point in my navigation of the quantum space. I see things I like and I see things that I would like shifted. How do I shift them?

To identify them I must be honest with myself and accept exactly what is. Next step is to know what I want. Health, body image, career and how I relate to the universe. What I see is exactly where my thoughts have been... where the speaking of my life has been... the things I see that I would like to shift were put there by where my attention and life force were focused in the "past". The question now is... what do I want to create now and to reference the future... in this year? Obviously, that is looking forward and it does not exist in the now. It does exist in the now as I "think" about it. However, I exist in the now and am generating my future at this moment. This is the power of you at work... generating the "future".

So..New Year, a powerful time both for review and generation. The generation of your life!

Through the past year I have provided clues as to where you can look within you to find out who you are and who you choose to be. The fun thing is accepting yourself just the way you are will provide the insights needed to guide you to the place in you you choose to unfold.

You can be whoever and however you chose to be. That is the magic of life!! That is the magic of the "quantum space". ALL limitations are set by you and those limitations actually restrain YOU. So, little you, ego, sets limitations around big YOU. I wanted to provide a very clear picture of what is actually happening and it's all good... there is nothing wrong here because you get to chose your life moment by moment!

My best Wishes to all for a powerful 2014 filled with the power of your soul or Core...

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