Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Speak Your Life and Your World Into Existence...

Since it's THAT time of the year again... you know Christmas and then New Year's resolutions, it is a perfect time to decide what you want in your life or what you want from your life. And, you can start right now. Why wait for the New Year? This way, as the New Year arrives, the gifts to yourself  have already been established in the "quantum space".  They are established as soon as you "speak" them into existence. You can't have anything until you know what it is that you want. Then you must give up wanting and be willing to have. Whatever is "missing" from our lives is missing because at some level we are unwilling to have it. Sounds funny doesn't it? The mind says - "What? You fool.. look the universe didn't give you that.." Well, now, mind, why is that... you're so good at figuring... you tell me now! Interesting question, isn't it?

So, at this point if mind wants to accept a "random operation" of the universe... its says, "Well, it didn't happen..yet..." The mind could just as well "assume" a perfectly ordered, on purpose universe. That being the case... the answer from mind then is - "Well, dude, or dudess.. YOU just didn't generate it! So, you just weren't there yet."

So, as far as the mind is concerned, there are different points of view. However, the big "you", YOU, "knows" the answer... and as your mind comes into "right" relationship with YOU... it says, "and that's all good... everything is as it needs to be for YOU."

So, words. Start with words. Do you really listen to what you say? What you say will give you the clues you need to have to focus yourself on what it is that you want. Here is an eye opening example: If you find yourself saying "This always happens to me... " Whatever "this" is has a quality to it... and given where your focus of attention is... it will keep happening. Then the question becomes - "Would you rather be right or have your life free of "this" that always happens? Do you see the power of that? Your emotional energy is behind it and you are literally letting it be that way... once you see how that is set up energetically in you, you can see how it shows up like that - ALWAYS. Also, there is a surety in that. A predictableness that your mind loves because you know how it IS. Fact is, it IS not that way!! It IS only that way because YOU have allowed it to be set up that way.

This relates to the post I did about reality... "reality is unreal." Remember? This is part of that discussion. A little different focus, but part of the same thing. The focus here is about creating your reality... and from the post about "the most powerful place in the universe"... you need to know where you are to see and accept what you have and are generating so that you can modify and create your "reality"... the reason I said Reality is unreal - is that it is not a static phenomenon - it is dynamic - you can't say it IS anyway because in any instant YOU can shift it!! It shifts immediately as soon as you do!! Welcome to the quantum space...

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