Monday, February 10, 2014

A Few Comments on The Last Blog...

You create your life. One of the points from the last blog was that even if you become aware of or find yourself in a situation that you might have a judgment about, it's where you place your attention that drives your life. So, no matter where you find yourself, once you become aware of your situation you can shift your attention. For instance let's say a person finds themselves living in their car. One conversation that could come up is the judgment, "I'm not making it" or "this is not good". That's perfect. You are in the most powerful place in the universe... you know where you are!! I'm living in my car and "it looks like" I'm not making it. This now gives you choices. And, this is where passion comes in as well. First thing is, be totally honest with your self. Is it worth it? Really.. is it? That answer will well up in you. Oh yeah, I want to be a... whatever it is. What do you know at his point? "This is hard". Yup... in a judgment, yes it is hard. More accurately, "you don't like it." That's fine. Will you keep doing auditions or submitting your work? Yes. You want this. Also, immediately start doing something to shift the attention. Opposites... NEVER, EVER think this is trivial and "sounds" good. It resets your life flow. The trick, if there is one, is to actually get your being to THAT place. So, what's a good opposite - well you were at "I'm not making it..." Notice the "not". The universe, from an attention perspective, only focuses on the key words anyway -  "making it"! So, what to do... "I am making it" and "I have done it this 'way' so far". That shifts "this is not good" also.

Don't believe this? Dr. Amen, a cutting edge brain researcher, has done brain scans where he actually can see visually, yes visually, the effect of opposites on the brain. The brain begins to function differently. A friend of mine has chatted with him about this.

The words give access to your being and how your life is flowing, your Qi. Do you want to keep it and your life path flowing from your deepest aspect that you've connected with?  Really... it's that simple. Who do you chose to be? I have to use "not" here. It's NOT about the words themselves... they are ONLY telling YOU what is happening energetically for you. The words are your "sign post" of existence. Usually, you only speak words that reflect your state of being. By shifting your words, YOU shift you. By listening to the words you have access to YOU. You must at least start by shifting the words to where you want to "be"... as in your being would like to "be". Saying the words starts that process. But wait there's more... a little more time and they settle in to the point that you do not remember or connect with the previous emotional state. That is when you have fully shifted to the new perspective AND your life shows it to you immediately. Most write this off as my "luck" changed. Well, that would be great in a random universe. The universe is very precise, specific and on purpose.

Now, you are going to ask, "Well, did those performers actually DO THAT? Did they really shift it?" Yes.. they did. How do I know? Well - what happened? How did their life turn out from that point? Now, here's the important deal... they did not need to use any "technique" to get there... somehow... some way... something shifted them... a phone call from a friend... a donated coffee from Wendy's. Doesn't matter how... what matters is they shifted!! Their being unaware of, we'll call it, the "quantum process" makes no difference because they did what they needed to do in their being. They came to a place of "moving" forward. That is all they needed at any given time. What I am providing here is an insight into the mechanics of the shift and a way to manually get there.

The real point of that post was that however anything looks - YOU still get to say!! On this planet, in the words of Henry Ford, "If you think you can or you think you can't, you're right!!" It is THAT simple. And, in the paraphrased words of Pramahansa Yogananda, "You're not beaten until you quit!" He has a great story about a staggering fighter ready to go down, but summons the courage to throw the last punch and knocks his opponent out!! That is a shift of attention - motivated by sheer determination!!

Your life is motivated by your passion and sometimes it just looks like "sheer determination".

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