Monday, April 28, 2014

The Kaleidoscope of Being...

I asked Montressa if I could post something that has developed in me over the last few days. Her commitment to being all you can be was obvious in her reply, "Yes of course..."

The title of this blog and all the information came to me at once.

Over the last few days, Annie Burnside posted a Facebook comment about the distribution of wealth. And, the inherent question was "Is this the species we chose to be?" Well, while we are making choices all the time, I'd say many times they are "automatic". The automatic part is generated by ongoing existing information "within" us that is based in the fact that things are a certain way. We are not aware and don't take the time/opportunity to ask ourselves what do we really know about the particular choice involved? Where is this choice coming from in terms of our assumptions?

Given that, as I looked at the question of wealth distribution and the further question, "Why do some have so much more than others and why do others, many others have less." One euphemism may suggest, "Well, everybody can't be rich!" ...Right?  ....Well? ....Or can they? And, what constitutes what that richness is? As I wrote rich, what came to mind? See how that is determined by our societal knowledge and "programming". Each one of us has their own version of what "richness" is. For most, it comes in some form from what we have seen or have lived and is in our experience base.

As I went deeper into what Annie Burnside was saying and in the middle of my comment, I fully realized that change comes from within! While, I wrote, "The outer is a manifestation of the inner," I didn't really connect with the full implications of that statement. Let's talk about time here. Once you realize AND accept that in spite of all your experiences to the contrary, there really is no time. We made that up then live it rolled out day by day. In a sense that's life as we know it. That's the way we have done it.

Okay, what does all this mean? What I realized is that there arose up in me a desire to "fight" the injustice. Yet for me, what Annie was proposing was a level of trust in the universe... meaning when I change me... then I change EVERYTHING... it means that the background conversation - everyone can't be rich, can then dissolve. And what about, resources in this world are limited. Is that true? Also, there is only so much Gold. Are these really true statements? Of course we have lived this way. I get that. But that is EXACTLY what I am addressing in the early part of this post. Are we willing to give up what everyone knows, even given we still live in time? Your logical mind will say... wait you don't understand. If this, this and that is true then... I say this to our logical mind... don't understand... you are not seeing all of it. You are not even evaluating the base assumptions you're basing your assessments on!

I know, what can arise up in us is something to the effect, "You crazy, deluded asshole, what the hell are you saying... just think about it this way and it will be so?" Yes, exactly. Well, close. Be in you that which you seek. Be peace, be happiness.. Be fair distribution of wealth.. then you will think fair distribution of wealth... suddenly, like the red Mustang you've noticed and been liking, you will only be seeing red Mustangs... Ever notice that phenomenon?

Say to the Mountain be thou moved to the sea and it shall be so! Jesus had 12 remedial disciples who couldn't get this... let alone the human population.

Montressa would say, "We are navigating the quantum space without a license." And, she would be right. What do we know about the quantum space? Really, every "time" we attempt to connect, our experience base, our prior knowledge, gets in the way. And, unless you are paying attention it is shaping you transparently.

So, are we really making choices in the full knowledge of the universe or in OUR full knowledge of OUR universe. The latter for sure. THAT is why things are the way they are. Get to a better state.. like the commercial says...

So, Annie Burnside was suggesting, go to that place within and let the answers surface. And, my comment about this: is that many of us don't get there... the answers are behind a pain, behind an existing conversation or belief, behind a sorrow, behind an injustice, behind shame. As I have said before, it takes guts to get to the REAL YOU. BUT, as others have said - the ONLY way out is through. Really. Do you want the real YOU or not? Do it... get help... join a group dedicated to this... whatever it takes.

Here's a motivation for you. When you become present - you are present in the moment - present to the real YOU. You are seeing the experiences of the moment from the real YOU. You are hearing the judgments of your mind from the real YOU. It is now available to YOU rather that being hidden and invisible. Rather than being filtered through little you.

There is nothing wrong with "little you" filtering it...but YOU need to know this.

So, now the punch line: I realized that change is this simple. As each one of us shifts to a new perspective the "mass consciousness" shifts. And, the faster we do this, the faster the change manifests and the faster we see it in our lives and it becomes the new normal.    

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