Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Author of Your Life....

Montressa has been quiet, yet I have wanted to do a post for awhile... then I "found" this post and Montressa said do it... I endorse this message!

The words "Author of your life came to me".

Yes, consider that... who IS the author of your life? That would be YOU! As your life unfolds, each decision creates it. It's one decision after the other, after the other. Should I get out of bed right now? I turn to the clock for information... I consult how my body is feeling... I think about where I have to be and when... all this happens very rapidly... and a decision is made... either hangout a few more minutes doing whatever addresses my issues for the moment or get moving... This happens many, many times during the day. Each one is unfolding YOUR life... YOU are the author of YOUR life.
Do you draw sustenance from the Universe, from God... it doesn't matter what you call the divine energy... it only matters that you relate to it... you "feel" it in your being. This is the "ink" of your authorship. This is how you write your life. One decision at a time... Your aggregate decisions form a trail that relays who you are. You're like a comet moving through space...
So, do you have the things you want in your life? Are your dreams materializing? Literally, are they materializing... coming to form. What kind of attention are you putting on them for them to condense and form? The quality of your attention is very important. Are you watching the words you speak? Are you aware of your body language? Everything is telling you something and assisting you in the authorship of your life!!
Are you happy with you? Or, should you be taller, thinner, blonder, tanner? All this is part of your attention that you are creating your life with. Are you aware of it? How much of your life force are you using on shoulds, need to's etc. Pay attention... that is energy that can be harnessed to "make your dreams come true".
All the while, know with absolute certainty... there is NOTHING wrong here... ALL choices you have made are negotiable... just change your relationship to them... stop calling the past - "mistakes"... they are just what happened. Why does it need classification? Ah.. oh yes... your mind will be much happier because then it "knows" what it can do with the information... it has a classification, it has an emotional YOU really want to keep that? Pay attention... you can use that same mind to free you... but you need to pay attention... be aware of  YOUR needs and the needs of your mind... do not confuse the two... they may be very different even if complementary...

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