Monday, December 22, 2014

Gratefulness and Gratitude... Inspire Your Life

During the end of the year, it is interesting to look back and see what has transpired in the year. At the same time, no matter what has happened, it is important to feel grateful and be grateful.. both for the "things" that went as "planned" and for the unplanned things as well. Typically our minds judge all things and the unplanned or unexpected things sometimes are judged more harshly. Like this or that "shouldn't" have happened. As soon as you see the word "should" or any variant of "should" that is an alarm of judgment. Pay attention to what is coming up for you in those moments. Nothing that arises in you is bad or negative. When you are paying attention, then you are in the most powerful place in the universe... you know where you are! What can happen many times is we don't want to feel something and with the mind busy judging it, we don't have to "feel"... we are too busy with our judgments.

If some things this year have not gone as planned it is just information that can be used to assess what our next move might be. And, those things that went exactly as planned we can be easily grateful for and use that to inspire our gratefulness for what may not have gone as perfectly as we would have liked. As I have said many times before... there is nothing wrong here. It is ALL good and it is ALL taking you somewhere. BE with the ride, moment to moment...

Personally, I am especially grateful for all the people in my life. They ALL inspire me! Yes, really... every last one... that includes all my friends on Facebook and all the blog readers. If I began a listing of all the things I've learned from those in my life and those on Facebook it would make this article very long. Just the act of enumerating all the people, let alone what I received from them.

So, the content of my life is rich. Why? Because I let it be rich. I invite it to be rich by my gratitude. I let good wishes wash over me like the balm of life that they are. I pay attention to all actions. I listen to the words people speak. As each person speaks, they are speaking their life into existence. As I speak, I am speaking my life into existence. It is an honor to be here... to be in this life... As I look at the meaning of saying that, I realize it is a privilege to be here. Really. A privilege. And, this privilege is WAY more far reaching then some of the awards that we make up and that you hear about on cable or broadcast TV. This privilege arises on the inside. It is awarded on the inside. In that respect, it is an inside job. The job of our life. The award for being a human on this planet.

Embrace the award of life you have been given. Embrace who you are and who you chose to be... be grateful for all that that is....

Happy Holidays - From both Montressa Tesworth and Mike Vecchio

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