Friday, October 20, 2017

Entelechy & Predestination

I posted a memory the other day about an exciting concept and idea I had come across a few years back. The post was from October 18, 2013 about entelechy. In it I talked about relating to your future self. That being said, as an intellectualization, the question that comes up for me is: Isn't that predestinatiom? In a sense I already know where I can get to if I can contact my future self.  So, then it is predestination, right?

Here's where, and I have said this again and again, logic breaks down because the quantum space is not static. The future you in every moment "lives" just like the present you in the ever changing dynamic of the quantum space. The you that you are now will not wake up tomorrow as the "same" you. There will be a relation to the present you, but the you tomorrow will be a different you and here's the exciting part, will see and relate to the future you differently! So, the future you is dynamic as well. It is all malleable.

Well, the next question that comes up is: How can I "figure" anything out? It's all changing... constantly... Another exciting answer... You can't!! And, that is the point. This is why Montressa says, "Life makes perfect sense. There's no sense to make." At the same time, relating to the future you in any given moment is exciting. The wisdom of the future you in any given moment can be sensed by the present you and that sensing, in fact changes the present you. Which provides a new vision of the future you. You see, it is all inter-twined. There is no isolation and nothing is static in the quantum space. It is all dynamic.

How is that possible? The future you is as dynamic as the present you. Still, at every moment the future you still relates to the present moment you. While that is hard to fathom, it doesn't make it any less true.

As a practical example of this look at what we are living through now. Powerful stuff. And, changing day to day and even moment to moment at a rapid rate.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

When The Divine Meets Man...

Montressa once again has gracefully allowed me to blog some thoughts about a recent trip I had. I have noticed if you are looking the divine manifests everywhere around you. Sometimes, even with warning, it can catch you by surprise. What happened to me is such a case.

I was in Barcelona in Catalonia Spain. We were having a tour of the city. We were scheduled to see Guell Park. A place that started out in failure. The real estate developer was going to sell approximately 65 lots on the side of a hill. The famous architect, Gaudi, would develop it. Short story, he sold one!! Fast forward, viola, Guell Park. A fascinatingly designed park. This became my introduction to this amazingly talented Spanish Catalan architect, Antoni Gaudi.

By the way the English word gaudy comes from his designs! With that, in the words of the tour guide, I go on. So, our tour guide, and by the way, tour guide is an actual profession in Europe, says, "Okay, now we go to the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I have been to the Taj Mahal, Machu Picchu, La Cathedral Notre Dame etc.. And, this is more magnificent than any of them!"

When superlatives like that are doled out, I get a little suspicious. Yet, this tour guide knew tons and had seen tons. Still, I remained skeptical.

So, we walk up to Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. It was designed by Gaudi. The outside for sure has his touches as we had just seen earlier at Guell Park. Still, there was something magnificent about it. Imposing of course, but not for the purpose of being imposing. Imposing as a representation of limitlessness. That vibe surely got my attention. Way more than I was expecting. Overall, the exterior depicts the life of Christ and tells the Christ story of betrayal and crucifixion with modern art forms. Chiseled faces etc.

Then, our guide tells us that Gaudi got all of his inspirations from nature. This was how God manifested to him, she says. As you go in you will see a forest. Look at it. Then she says, "Okay, now we go inside, yes? Before we go please put down your cameras. As we go in, I want you to FEEL. Please, just for 20 or 30 seconds... please just feel. Take your pictures after you feel this." So, in a very real way this tour guide was transformed into our priestess. Preparing our souls, our deepest selves,  for what we were about to see.

By this point I was expecting some sort of physical forest with bark on trees and plants. As we went in, I was first struck by its immensity. Huge columns everywhere. Graceful arches. Ornamentation everywhere, then suddenly the unmistakable presence of God, of the Divine, of the all that is, of the total eternal. Every time I tried to absorb and frame in my mind what I was seeing... tears welled up inside. As I tried to explain this to myself in my head I had to stop because tears would well up. As I write this description of my experience, tears well up! It was and still IS THAT powerful. It was as if Gaudi connected to God directly. Gaudi then said, "I will show you to people in a way that they will get you. They will see the God I know. They will see the God that has appeared everywhere to me. They will feel your magnificence, and I will use all the tools you have given me to do this."

As far as I know this kind of architecture has never been executed. It is so elegant. The dome of the Basilica is supported by bi-furcating tree branches from the columns that transform into cancatenary arches. Multiple cancatenary arches connect with each other. The columns taper and twist to support the load of all the exterior spires. They are cobalt at the center (look up its energetic aspects), the hardest stone to support the main, tallest and as yet unconstructed spire. The further towers are a softer stone where less weight support is needed.

It was started in 1882 and Gaudi was signed on in 1883. It is expected to be completed in 2026, 100 years after Gaudi's death.

A few notes as to why this impacted me so much. I was responsible for many safety designs in automotive. The stylists had a vision and the engineering needed to support that vision. In my case I always took a no compromise perspective in regard to safety. I didn't care how beautiful it looked it needed to protect my people, my customers. Still, the challenge was, style is important. It was absolutely necessary to support our stylists. I didn't know it at the time, as I related to my spiritual side differently. Yet this firm grasp on what were the priorities was always supported by God. I turned to the quietness of all that is, God, in my meditations at the time.

I stunned Mary Walton, author of the book "Car", when she asked me about safety as she was writing her book.  "Safety is about forgiveness. My job is to reduce the consequences of a bad judgment. People should not have to pay heavily for their mistakes." So, in a sense my approach to safety revealed God and a benevolent universe.

So, as I looked at this design by Gaudi, I saw God....

Monday, March 21, 2016

Feed Your Passion....

Feed your passion? Exactly. I wanted a short title that said it all. Some questions may come up.  What is my passion? What feeds my passion? Am I feeding my passion?

How this blog came about. It was just after midnight. I had a new set of blue tooth headphones and I was listening to Pandora just to see how they sounded. A Sequence of songs came along on our "Mumford & Sons" station. I listened with rapt attention. I could hear every nuance of the music in the noise cancelling headphones . I could hear and appreciate clearly the artistry of arrangements. The use of subtle percussion to drive rhythms. The musical passion of the musicians was mesmerizing. At the same time it was more than that.

As I laid back, I heard a directive: "Feed Your Passion" and I knew EXACTLY what was being asked at a very deep level. I always listen to these messages. They are so clear and definite.

It was about feeding my passion, but much more than that. It was about feeding the passion of as many others that will listen. Certainly, I will feed my passion. At the same time it is my desire that we each individually feed our own passions. No one can feed your passion for you.

It's not a one time thing. It is constant. Each day do something that inspires your passion. Something that allows you to sit back and say... ahhh... that feels right. That assists me. That assists who I am deep inside. It can be anything. A call to a distant friend. A Facebook post that reveals a part of you to friends. Giving assistance to someone. Sitting in a yoga posture that engenders a deep sense of who you are. It is important that the act "just" flow from you. It's not about how many points you can get on the feeling scale. Or about intentionally creating something. What is created flows naturally from you and is IN you and you then see that what is inside you is really outside you as well. It becomes as if you are looking at a mirror from both sides.

Places that may seem strange to you ultimately feed your passion. My blue tooth headphones fed my passion! Who knew! Pay attention. Be aware. Look for that spark of satisfaction that reveals you and who you are at the deepest level of this duality. It is one aspect of you, but it is rooted in the quantum space of all that is and your connection to your passion let's the space of all that is rise up in you. That is exciting to me, for it is the space of joy, when the space of "all that is" reveals in you. It is such a powerful place and it is important to know and acknowledge that you have touched that place... you have  allowed yourself to enter that sacred space. The sacred space of the joy of being you.

Many people want to "look" for their passion, like it is one thing. I'll be so bold to say that it is everything... everything you are and lives in everything that is. So, your passion has no limits! It is not just one thing... a passion for music, a passion for dance, a passion for leading, a passion for healthcare... yes, it is all of these both collectively and individually.

Here I was, looking at how my noise cancelling headphones sounded and yet, I was immersed deeply in who I am. Deeply in my passion for music. I felt myself at the deepest level. I became the music and expressed myself in myself through what the music awoke in me. Passion. This blog then too arises from my passion. It became really important to me to communicate what this experience awoke in me with the clear intention of awaking a passion in anyone who reads this.

Then, I realized all of my blogs come from this passion. So, from evaluating my headphones, then writing this blog, I had had this realization... it is all passion... just connect with what you do. Too many of us want to objectify it. Passion is this. I "work" at my passion. You may do what you call "work" at your passion, but make no mistake. If  it truly is "work"... it's not passion. It is not flowing from the unlimited source that is you.

Feed your passion so that it flows from the unlimited source...

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

What's In Your Head?

As you know Montressa lets me post. So, when I related this to Montressa she was excited and wanted me to post what I knew about the brain.

I am always looking for a model to relate to as we navigate this wonderful universe and existence. I wrote this post awhile ago, but did not feel it was ready to post. My wife is taking a course and was reading a book about views on consciousness for her course. I was getting that although consciousness does not reside IN the brain, in some ways it cannot be separated from the brain. Yet, my sense is that both are true. Consciousness comes from outside and inside at the same time. Here's exactly what came to me: "The brain is the prism through which consciousness manifests." Sit with this awhile and it will blow your mind both figuratively and literally!! It's like consciousness is the "white light" of existence and like the prism breaking the white light into colors, the brain separates and differentiates energies and frequencies into a coherent existence, your coherent existence!!

You know that commercial, "What's in your wallet?" Well, it is time to ask the next question. This post has been brewing in me for almost 6 months and I've debated sharing it. I woke one day with the clear idea that our brains are mainly transponders that interface with the quantum space. Hmm... I thought - transponders. Well, that's like a radio station. You can listen to whatever channel you wish. Don't like what you are hearing - change the channel. Yes, there are questions that arise in looking at our lives from this perspective, but I can't seem to let go of the deeper truth that this idea contains. Using this model we are both intimately connected to the universe and still independent. We intuit things and then apply logic to them to generate other ideas, offline in a sense, that can become tangible provided they merge in a way in us that allows this materialization.

The brain performs logical functions. Sure. It receives something, like take a look out east... notice the sun seems to rise there. Well, the brain goes into action. If the sun rises at such and such a rate or wherever it wants to take the logic, it goes. But, clearly, what has happened is it is seeded with an idea garnered from the cosmos, the quantum space. "Something" tells you to look east. Then it begins to apply what it does logically to that information. This then could result in another connection to the quantum space. Like, psst... look at the north star at 2 AM today. So, you get up at 2 AM and observe the north star. You notice a whole bunch of things about its movement. Boom, the brain springs into action again.

Shift scene.  Daily life. I'm driving to work. Psst.... see that exit you've been wondering about? Take it tomorrow. So, next day, on your way to work you take the exit and find a whole new way to get there - half the amount of lights etc. Ten minutes quicker and an easier drive. Then your brain springs into action. If you do this, this and that the drive will be way more fun!! Yes, your brain figured that out. But the "exit" idea came from somewhere else in your life flow!! The quantum space. Why? Because somewhere in you, you were resonating to things being different.

So, there is this interplay between what I'd call "cosmic life stream" energy that forms ideas and ideas that you create as a result of the presence of the "life stream" ideas. Some of it is received by your brain, while some of it is created in your brain, formed there and a resonance occurs with the cosmos or quantum space. The information is processed locally, in your head. Electro-chemically. At the same time your brain is receiving by resonance information based on the "life stream" or life you have chosen to that point. At all points the flow of things can be shifted on the fly. That is a function of your brain as creator of you in the moment. And, is one of the great advantages of a free-will universe.

So, yes the brain does create, but it creates from logic based on information it receives. It can then set up a resonance and attract what it choses through the logic it applies to set up that quantum resonance. Voila - Law of Attraction. However, it is about a deeper space that the brain takes this logic. It must be able to create a resonance with the quantum space. That is why aphorisms may not work. It's not just about what you say, but the deeper resonance set up by that "brain" logic. So, basically, it's not quite as simple as what I'm describing. Still, the principle I've presented is the first level of brain function that we use as humans. It clearly demonstrates the "why" of the Law of Attraction." So, it's not about just speaking positivity, for instance. It is about being positivity. Different resonance. Speaking does not create ideas. Ideas create speaking. That is the subtle difference. That is why it is so critical to watch your words. You can then monitor the creational ideas within you. This is what is creating resonance with the universe, or quantum space.

Speaking of which, I googled this clarity that came to me about the way the brain functions and found two guys arguing about the particulars of the central idea! So, they were assuming the central idea here was a given and were just discussing some of the particulars about how it operates. Interesting how this universe works. So, this information came in through the portal of my yearning to know. It is exciting to me because it shows how we are intimately connected with the universe and the quantum space from which it evolves.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Montressa Talks About Your Gifts...

Many of us go through life and are unaware of the valuable things we can bring to life... that which has been given to us which comes easily.

Many times there are "things" that challenge us. Sometimes we judge them as "hard" because of the effort we must put into them to perform at a level we judge as acceptable or required. Then there are things that we are "good" at. We assess these talents we are "good" at because we can perform at a level that we judge as meeting a required, but unspecified standard for us without additional effort. Sometimes the things that we are "good" at we don't value. The conversation... "Oh, anybody can do that." comes up. That actually can be a disservice both to yourself AND others. This is what this post is focused on.

What in YOUR life is like that. What in YOUR life are you saying, "Oh, anybody can do that." Yes, true ANYBODY can do ANYTHING they chose to do. However, there is a "learning curve". The first prerequisite for anything is the desire to do it. Then IF you really want to do something you may need to learn specific things about "how" to do it.

As the central character in ICE, India & Old Lovers, this is one of the things I had to learn. What was it that I did naturally that was of value both to me and others. The whole movement in my life came about because of this self-examination. To be sure there were many factors contributing to my journey that emerged from my life, but the focus on what I wanted was paramount. Yet, tired of struggling, what I really wanted was life with more "flow". I didn't want it easy, I was used to "hard" work. But, I came to a point where I finally noticed the struggle in my life. So, I asked myself, "What am I struggling for?" Well, that may seem simple to ask yourself, right? Not when everyone around you is struggling with their life!!

So, I can say there must be a shift in your thinking. It is almost like looking at yourself like an observer. Here's the example... you're a fish you're swimming in water... I say... hey look at the water.. you say.. what water?? Now, jump up on the shore and look down into the water.. oh, yeah, all us fish are swimming in water!!!

Each of us has our styles. Just as each species of fish is adapted for it's environment so each of us is adapted for a specific flow in our own life. That is what this post is addressing. We need to discover what our best adaptation is. Perhaps we can share that with others.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Gratefulness and Gratitude... Inspire Your Life

During the end of the year, it is interesting to look back and see what has transpired in the year. At the same time, no matter what has happened, it is important to feel grateful and be grateful.. both for the "things" that went as "planned" and for the unplanned things as well. Typically our minds judge all things and the unplanned or unexpected things sometimes are judged more harshly. Like this or that "shouldn't" have happened. As soon as you see the word "should" or any variant of "should" that is an alarm of judgment. Pay attention to what is coming up for you in those moments. Nothing that arises in you is bad or negative. When you are paying attention, then you are in the most powerful place in the universe... you know where you are! What can happen many times is we don't want to feel something and with the mind busy judging it, we don't have to "feel"... we are too busy with our judgments.

If some things this year have not gone as planned it is just information that can be used to assess what our next move might be. And, those things that went exactly as planned we can be easily grateful for and use that to inspire our gratefulness for what may not have gone as perfectly as we would have liked. As I have said many times before... there is nothing wrong here. It is ALL good and it is ALL taking you somewhere. BE with the ride, moment to moment...

Personally, I am especially grateful for all the people in my life. They ALL inspire me! Yes, really... every last one... that includes all my friends on Facebook and all the blog readers. If I began a listing of all the things I've learned from those in my life and those on Facebook it would make this article very long. Just the act of enumerating all the people, let alone what I received from them.

So, the content of my life is rich. Why? Because I let it be rich. I invite it to be rich by my gratitude. I let good wishes wash over me like the balm of life that they are. I pay attention to all actions. I listen to the words people speak. As each person speaks, they are speaking their life into existence. As I speak, I am speaking my life into existence. It is an honor to be here... to be in this life... As I look at the meaning of saying that, I realize it is a privilege to be here. Really. A privilege. And, this privilege is WAY more far reaching then some of the awards that we make up and that you hear about on cable or broadcast TV. This privilege arises on the inside. It is awarded on the inside. In that respect, it is an inside job. The job of our life. The award for being a human on this planet.

Embrace the award of life you have been given. Embrace who you are and who you chose to be... be grateful for all that that is....

Happy Holidays - From both Montressa Tesworth and Mike Vecchio

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thankfulness... Gratitude...

Thankfulness and Gratitude propel your life!

The biggest turn in Montressa's life happened when she finally realized how thankful she was for ALL of it - for all the people in it - for all the events in it. She comes to a realization that it ALL is taking her somewhere - regardless of her judgments about it.  Nothing is there by accident.

So on this Thanksgiving Day, I am sharing my thanks to everyone for their contribution to me! It has  been a great year and continues to expand and I love hearing about the gratitude of others... it is this gratitude that is transforming life on Earth...  It is this gratitude that is transforming me....Very exciting to see, feel and be a part of!!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!!

And above all, Thank You!!