Tuesday, June 24, 2014

About Living Continuously....

Suppose, just suppose that I am wrong about living continuously if you chose it. And, you can ONLY chose it from the free space of choice. Meaning, you fully accept leaving or staying... you have no "reasons" to make the choice you make EXCEPT that is the choice you choose. This takes the ego/mind out of it. You're not "afraid of the unknown of death", you are not "in love" with life... It's like chocolate ice cream. If I ask you why do you like it, the free choice answer is "because I like it!" That simple. In the words of Henry Ford II "Never complain, never explain." Actually, he got that from Bernard Baruch.

One of the "things" you must do to "stay" is pay attention to everything. Every word, every action, the food you eat... Now after all that... suppose... wow! You find out you must leave. So what!! Look at ALL you have trained yourself to do. Look at how you are captain of your life. Look at how you are connected to the universe. You got to say how you want your life and took on responsibility for your life. How great is that? What a massive training program. How do you "think" that will affect you energetically in total?

So, come to a place of living your life as if you are going to live continuously! Notice how much stress it takes off and it totally decimates your "bucket list". Who needs that? I've got plenty of time!! This way you "make room" for the universe to act. And, you are paying complete attention, so you catch every detail, every nuance of creation. All of life fills you all the time.

Also, as the kids mature then the importance of I as a parent... goes away. There is such a rush for parents today. Like when is my time? I need to do this and that for the kids. So, you're living continuously AND you're training your kids to live continuously!! That to me is awesome. Do you see the trap in the way we have been doing life? The mind loves it... Life.. starts here .... ends here... easy right... hmm... maybe not, huh. Look at the stress, look at the "needs", the requirements in this life in order to "do" it properly. Oh noooo.... starts here.. ends here and oh we don't know what will happen... life is random event!!  Yeah, sure! Thanks for sharing - mind!!

That's how many of the stresses of life are generated. You know the drill. If you want to make anything interesting... put a limit on it. That's how sales promotions work. Thirty percent off  through June 25!! Limits work great in terms of activating the "mind's" concern!!

Do we really need to do that with our life? Really?

So, I say enjoy life... choose to live continuously...

Friday, June 20, 2014

Why It Is Imperative to Awaken Immediately, IF Not Sooner... - Part III

I wanted to finish this topic today for the time being.

For me the scariest part is not the GMO. The GMO is not the "real" issue, but a symptom of it. The real issue is the residues left after crops are sprayed with the miracle weed killer. THIS is what flies under the radar. Tests with rats for 90 days is not sufficient when the plan is WORLD distribution. I have no quarrel with making money. And remember what Mark Twain once said, “the lack of money is the root of all evil.” Many quote it as "Money is the root". However, you need to approach making money with complete integrity and an open mind. Something massive like what is going on makes the world a Petri dish. What I find interesting is that there are many groups that are alerting people to this problem. I have dealt with statistics for many years. It is based on the fact that the process of life is a random event. What do I know about life? It is not random. Not in totality and not in the quantum space. That doesn't mean statistics won't work. However, the statistics themselves become a malleable quantity. Depends on how many and how long and whether the appropriate variables have been clearly identified. AND, if proper numbers and measures have been taken to identify those variables.

There was a time when I "used" statistics for the "good" of the customer. Bean counters, also known as accountants, wanted a cheaper product that "others" were using. I told them the margin in the "statistics" of our company required that we keep doing what I originally designed. That was a true statement... mostly... depending on temperature, the other product would have "satisfied" the government criteria, but ONLY at room temperature!! So, the statistics might have worked, but for me room temperature is not sufficient!! Like there are no cold places in the US? Let's apply just a bit of integrity shall we!

So, statistics... be careful... the fundamental assumption that life is a "random" event is unfounded. And, the Heisenberg theory of uncertainty guarantees that things change when something is examined!! So, what manifests is where our attention is at.... place your attention wisely... it is the direction of your life force... that's a wake-up call...

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Why It Is Imperative to Awaken Immediately, IF Not Sooner... - Part II

Paying attention is critical. Actually, this nation was founded by people who were paying attention! It came home to me the other day, right in my area. It was a wake-up of major proportions. I live in a small rural community where there are many small farms. Not the big conglomerates, but small, "been in the family for a long time" farms. I get this flier from a local farm supply chain: "Glyphosate Plus Herbicide - fully licensed for use over the top of Round-Up Ready - corn, cotton and soybeans?" This is the major ingredient in Monsanto's "Round-Up" product!! And, this works with Monsanto's terminating seeds... those are seeds that commit suicide at the end of the growing season and they are insect proof... They are at the core of GMO. Genetically modified organisms.

It's a good thing I don't believe in conspiracy theories. It would seem the plan would be for a company and all its backers to take over the world food supply, because the seeds are patented. Even with the wonders of science, will this new organism provide the same nutrition as the one it "replaces". Not to mention the juicy add-ins. I'll mention here the soil depletion reported to the Senate in the 30's ... that is 1930 btw... and which little has been done about... low zinc, low boron and many other low values for trace minerals... so, this new GMO corn, wheat etc. is being layered on top of  existing agricultural issues. I have been buying my vegetables from a farmer at my local farmer's market. Last week I asked the farmer in the bib overalls, we call him "Mr. No Spray", "So, you don't spray?" He replied, "Oh, that stuff.. it comes from China!" He was referring to "Round-up" type products. So, not willing to jump the gun.. I go to the internet and type in - China Glyphosate - This farmer sure knew his stuff. I was unaware there was a China connection too! It's big industry there.

My point is:Are you careful about what you eat? Do you know where it comes from? Are you supporting farmers who are buying into the "new" source of food? If you are, and you want it different, you need to pay attention. Otherwise, your dollar vote is going to these farmers who have decided they need to survive by buying into what is being served up.

I'm not criticizing them. They are doing what they need to do, BUT with the faith of "When you build it, they will come" it will be possible to support farmers who provide quality nutrition to all interested people. Notice the increased incidence of various diseases and allergies. It has skyrocketed over the last 20 years. Medical science says "better diagnostic techniques." Not buying it... it's too pandemic for it to be just better diagnostics. Remember the computer adage... garbage in garbage out... "food" is supposed to contain all the molecules you need to sustain your life. That statement is everything you need to know about nutrition. That's why it is imperative to support farmers who will provide real food!! You can do this by asking questions and paying attention! My wife and I chatted about this and the fact that real food is more expensive. I quipped it's probably double. Then sat back for a second... then said, "Hmmm... a good deal if you double or triple your life span... how much is that worth?" Better yet, let's shift that and renew ourselves all the time and live continuously!!

This got long too.... more next post!!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Why It Is Imperative to Awaken Immediately, IF Not Sooner... - Part I

Montressa has been generous to me again...

Have you noticed the "drift" of this world? Read the news service's spin on things? Heard the official version of yada yada? Don't things seem a little off sometimes? A little too convenient to all involved. Global warming... oh we can put a tax on the offenders... I'm good with that... BUT it also gives a measure of control to the taxers and apparent taxee... Think about it, the ultimate taxee is you!! Would you run your life the way that corporation who so cavalierly said, "Sure, no problem." 
We'll "pay" for our carbon foot print. Guess who really pays if corporations are to remain profitable and taxable? The consumer, that's who! You see, you really can't get away. It just "looks" like someone else's problem. You supporting that business in anyway supports that decision!

All that I'm proposing is pay attention... that's all you have to do! Pay attention to YOU and what you need. That is part of the Awakening process. Your life matters, you need to get that. We all need to get that our life matters... all the time. Everything we do or don't do matters...

Here's the thing - the way we have done life on this planet is: You're born, you live and then you die. Well, who wouldn't want to leave after you let your life and your body go! After you treat your life and your body like some trivial passing. After letting things be the way they were evolving because you weren't paying attention! You reach a point and you go, "Wow, things are really screwed up... good thing I'm getting out!!" If you don't pay attention you are setting the stage for your leaving.

Then there is the attitude of kick the can down the road... let someone else handle it. I'm outta here anyway. Really? What IF you actually were staying the duration? What IF you had to put things right with the Earth before you were able to leave? That's right. Convenient to leave isn't it? Convenient to let things go. You're leaving anyway, right? What if I told you whether you stay or leave, energetically it IS still your issue? What then? Not possible you say. 'au contraire mon frere'...

I was once contemplating what it meant to commit suicide. A vision arose where a man in tremendous emotional pain put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger. Guess what? Nothing happened. The intense pain was still there AND he had disconnected from his body... I saw the bullet go right through his head... now no body to carry or experience the emotions in!! Hmm.. he "thought" his last predicament was bad! Try being a disembodied soul in pain in an "ether" where you are only a tormented energy. No body to carry the pain... no body and life to work out and shift the energy... just pure concentrated torment... this was so real to me that I was shaken...

So, you know how some say - Life, you're not getting out alive. I would say, "You're not getting out of your existence whether you're alive or not." And, that too brings me to a choice... if THAT is the case, what is the point of leaving except for the "thought" that it solves something... and for me, leaving it doesn't solve anything... if anything it compounds things...

more tomorrow...

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

ICE, India & Old Lovers - Finally Available!

ICE, India & Old Lovers:

Is finally available on a limited basis. I was not initially planning on doing this, however your support has been wonderful! So I will do the best I can to get copies out to all that would like to have one of these "collector" edition copies. In effect, you are part of my journey. I only have about 60 copies in this printing. I am planning an Amazon release of substantially the same design and format. Because of the Amazon price structuring it will be more costly.

Also, for this edition only I will personalize each copy by signing it.

Use the link: "Buying - ICE, India & Old Lovers".

Thanks again for all your interest. We can shift this planet by each of us becoming all we can be... As my friend Shana said to me once, "The best version of who we each are!!"