Thursday, June 19, 2014

Why It Is Imperative to Awaken Immediately, IF Not Sooner... - Part II

Paying attention is critical. Actually, this nation was founded by people who were paying attention! It came home to me the other day, right in my area. It was a wake-up of major proportions. I live in a small rural community where there are many small farms. Not the big conglomerates, but small, "been in the family for a long time" farms. I get this flier from a local farm supply chain: "Glyphosate Plus Herbicide - fully licensed for use over the top of Round-Up Ready - corn, cotton and soybeans?" This is the major ingredient in Monsanto's "Round-Up" product!! And, this works with Monsanto's terminating seeds... those are seeds that commit suicide at the end of the growing season and they are insect proof... They are at the core of GMO. Genetically modified organisms.

It's a good thing I don't believe in conspiracy theories. It would seem the plan would be for a company and all its backers to take over the world food supply, because the seeds are patented. Even with the wonders of science, will this new organism provide the same nutrition as the one it "replaces". Not to mention the juicy add-ins. I'll mention here the soil depletion reported to the Senate in the 30's ... that is 1930 btw... and which little has been done about... low zinc, low boron and many other low values for trace minerals... so, this new GMO corn, wheat etc. is being layered on top of  existing agricultural issues. I have been buying my vegetables from a farmer at my local farmer's market. Last week I asked the farmer in the bib overalls, we call him "Mr. No Spray", "So, you don't spray?" He replied, "Oh, that stuff.. it comes from China!" He was referring to "Round-up" type products. So, not willing to jump the gun.. I go to the internet and type in - China Glyphosate - This farmer sure knew his stuff. I was unaware there was a China connection too! It's big industry there.

My point is:Are you careful about what you eat? Do you know where it comes from? Are you supporting farmers who are buying into the "new" source of food? If you are, and you want it different, you need to pay attention. Otherwise, your dollar vote is going to these farmers who have decided they need to survive by buying into what is being served up.

I'm not criticizing them. They are doing what they need to do, BUT with the faith of "When you build it, they will come" it will be possible to support farmers who provide quality nutrition to all interested people. Notice the increased incidence of various diseases and allergies. It has skyrocketed over the last 20 years. Medical science says "better diagnostic techniques." Not buying it... it's too pandemic for it to be just better diagnostics. Remember the computer adage... garbage in garbage out... "food" is supposed to contain all the molecules you need to sustain your life. That statement is everything you need to know about nutrition. That's why it is imperative to support farmers who will provide real food!! You can do this by asking questions and paying attention! My wife and I chatted about this and the fact that real food is more expensive. I quipped it's probably double. Then sat back for a second... then said, "Hmmm... a good deal if you double or triple your life span... how much is that worth?" Better yet, let's shift that and renew ourselves all the time and live continuously!!

This got long too.... more next post!!

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