Tuesday, June 24, 2014

About Living Continuously....

Suppose, just suppose that I am wrong about living continuously if you chose it. And, you can ONLY chose it from the free space of choice. Meaning, you fully accept leaving or staying... you have no "reasons" to make the choice you make EXCEPT that is the choice you choose. This takes the ego/mind out of it. You're not "afraid of the unknown of death", you are not "in love" with life... It's like chocolate ice cream. If I ask you why do you like it, the free choice answer is "because I like it!" That simple. In the words of Henry Ford II "Never complain, never explain." Actually, he got that from Bernard Baruch.

One of the "things" you must do to "stay" is pay attention to everything. Every word, every action, the food you eat... Now after all that... suppose... wow! You find out you must leave. So what!! Look at ALL you have trained yourself to do. Look at how you are captain of your life. Look at how you are connected to the universe. You got to say how you want your life and took on responsibility for your life. How great is that? What a massive training program. How do you "think" that will affect you energetically in total?

So, come to a place of living your life as if you are going to live continuously! Notice how much stress it takes off and it totally decimates your "bucket list". Who needs that? I've got plenty of time!! This way you "make room" for the universe to act. And, you are paying complete attention, so you catch every detail, every nuance of creation. All of life fills you all the time.

Also, as the kids mature then the importance of I as a parent... goes away. There is such a rush for parents today. Like when is my time? I need to do this and that for the kids. So, you're living continuously AND you're training your kids to live continuously!! That to me is awesome. Do you see the trap in the way we have been doing life? The mind loves it... Life.. starts here .... ends here... easy right... hmm... maybe not, huh. Look at the stress, look at the "needs", the requirements in this life in order to "do" it properly. Oh noooo.... starts here.. ends here and oh we don't know what will happen... life is random event!!  Yeah, sure! Thanks for sharing - mind!!

That's how many of the stresses of life are generated. You know the drill. If you want to make anything interesting... put a limit on it. That's how sales promotions work. Thirty percent off  through June 25!! Limits work great in terms of activating the "mind's" concern!!

Do we really need to do that with our life? Really?

So, I say enjoy life... choose to live continuously...

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