Thursday, November 7, 2013

Have What You Have... and Insights

Since Mike started this yesterday, I'm gonna run with it!! "We so many times "rush" to judgment - like if I feel this way or that way I must be a "bad" person and we run away from it. Oh no! I am such a... fill in the blank... I say NO, you are just "feeling" what you are feeling - YOU aren't anything! THAT is how you start to uncover the GOLD in you! Be willing to HAVE what you have."

And, so that is one of the secrets of insights. Be WILLING to have what you have. Then notice what comes up for you in terms of judgments or other feelings. Many times we are not even WILLING to have the feeling because there is an attached judgment. Oh, I don't want to be a bad person so I'm not even going there!! It's okay... trust me... here's the downside, see that German Shepard with his head under the table and his butt sticking in the air... he thinks he's hiding because his eyes are covered!

That's what I'm saying about insights. You enter a crowded room at a party and "feel" funny. Like "maybe" you don't belong. You scan the room for someone you know. Don't see anyone. Behind that is "I'm uncomfortable". Behind that is the idea, "I wish I had stayed home." Behind that is, "I don't know anyone here." Some of that you are making up. Do you really not know anyone there? How did you get invited then? So, insight - when I get uncomfortable I begin to make up stuff that makes me more uncomfortable and instead of resolving the discomfort I want to get away from it.

Suddenly, someone paying attention to the room sees you. He immediately picks up on your discomfort. Why? 1)Because he is paying attention 2) He is willing to acknowledge what's up within himself. He sees you standing there and "knows" from his own pool of insights what you "might" be feeling. So, this guy there noticed this German Shepard with her head under a table and her eyes covered thinking she was hiding. EVEN THAT is an insight... even if I try to cover my feelings someone can pick up on them!! So, he comes over and says - "Hey, you look lost" and laughs to let you know he "gets" your feeling of discomfort and who you are in that moment. Based on your previous insights you know to just be real. "Yeah, Darby didn't tell me so many people would be here!" Now the party "ice" has been broken and at the same time you learned a lot about yourself.

Every moment of our lives hold the keys to who we are. As I said, you must be willing to have what you have. You don't have to believe it... just have it. That's the key. That's why enlightened people will tell you to take yourself lightly. In the duality is the existence of a blended being - Mind, heart and core! As you go deeper and deeper into who you are, you also understand how YOU operate in this quantum space. Hey... it's still a quantum space that is always operating. Always be aware of that.

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