Thursday, November 21, 2013

Every breath is a choice to live. In each and every breath we take we are making the choice to stay here and stay attached to this body... our body. We take breathing for granted. It is automatic. It "just" happens.... au contraire mon frère... whether we "realize" it and pay attention or just let it happen... it is a choice. This very post is on your journey to enlightenment. It was in mine for sure when I FINALLY realized it!!

So, about the seminar... that's what I learned there about living and healing. Each breath is a choice otherwise you won't be here attached to this body, your body.

So, healing is a choice. You must choose to be healed. And, the healer... they must choose to let "healing" energy pass. All of it is at your choice! No one can heal you. Only you can heal you. Sounds like a lonely universe, right? That is the price of a "free will zone" where each being has totally autonomy in their choices. YOU get to say. What's funny is that very dynamic makes the universe very full. Friends heal you. Healers heal you... the universe is so full. Love, that's what it is full of... love... and the love heals.

At the same time I was surprised at how easily the healing energy passed through me. In my case, the healing energy that healed the person I was healing also healed me. It healed me in a way that was totally unexpected by me. It made me realize how powerful choices are. My choice to let the healing energy pass and the person's choice to be healed. And, the really great aspect was the ease with which it all happened... even THAT was healing. THAT is where I got a full sense of the quantum space... when I saw it and felt it in action. And, yes, it did take paying attention. That environment pulled all of that from me... because I let it. I gave myself to the experience. Exciting isn't it. When you "give" yourself to life you get life, as in life infuses you and you actually get life, as in oh yeah, I get it!!

Healing many times focuses on a "disease". Oh, you've heard it before... dis-ease. A lack of ease, a disruption, a block of Qi. Yes, THAT dis-ease. Well, that's what happens when Qi is blocked!!  Trust me... I never thought of myself as a healer, yet there I was... healing. That was the other thing. Training was very fast for me... it came naturally to me. Probably because of my love for people. Did I say probably? See, we need to watch our words. Forget probably... it is because of my love for people. That was hard to recognize in myself. You know that Tesworth bruskness. Yet, even in that bruskness was love. You just had to look for it. Especially in my parents. Good people, but just afraid to show it... to show the love.

As I grew older and learned more, I realized how magnificent people are. They are magnificent, just being people. Oh yeah, we all have "stuff" we are dealing with. The important thing is that you deal with it. That's why you are alive and THAT's how you stay alive. And, as you uncover more of you, you become even more alive!! That is healing. Letting energy flow...

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