Friday, November 1, 2013


Yes, it's all run together. Like my life was!! Who Am I? The topical question now-a-days, isn't it? Notice how much more meaning is has when it is all spelled out... almost like we would like our life to be! Well, the secret? Accept your life. That's where it all starts. I was born into a rich family. Like if I was rich then I'd be okay.

Rich? What does that mean exactly? These are questions I directly or indirectly had to confront. I even had to confront those same questions in other people. Old boyfriends, new boyfriends... all with similar meanings and answers. The one common element was, it was not about the money or the wealth. It was more about what the money "means" to us and what the money does "for" us or "to" us. And, I can say, it does different things for different people... me included. For me the questions were, "How does this support me?" "How much do I "need"?"  "What do I want in my life?" These questions must be answered because they are part of the "whoami". As you address "Who Am I?", so you can begin to address money and wealth as well. Money looks like the currency of "external" life. As in what you actually see here and now. In fact, it is something deeper... it is your ability to continually unfold your existence... so to confuse what you see "here and now" with richness of being, that is a "mistake". Well, I know that's a judgment, but if you don't separate the two "whoami" and money Who are you? And, by the way, I am using money in the broadest context. It really is wealth I'm talking about. And, of course we can get into semantics about it, but that's not the point.

I was very fortunate. Some choices were easy for me because I already knew the other sides of the choices. Others could find it more difficult. It's like people who want to be "rock stars" or "movie stars" and collect money, don't realize there are sides to that ambition that are less appealing. Privacy, paparazzi etc.. A promotional manager that actually manages your life! Sounds good, right? Until you need to be on a plane at 5:00 AM because you need to be in a city two thousand miles away for a ten o'clock! Oh, except that you just got back from an awards party at 1 AM!!

So, "whoami". Choose wisely. Get to YOU.. not you...   you have ideas about what would work... but YOU know exactly what works... YOU has the greater wisdom. What others "think"? Not relevant. Oh, I will say what others "know" could be relevant... there's a big difference between what people "tell" you and what they KNOW! But, that again gets back to YOU knowing it too. If YOU know it, it will resonate...

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