Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Embrace Who You Are... Embrace the Passsion of YOU

Interesting how we can sometimes overlook the obvious! We have "built-in" natural tendencies, yet our minds want to quantify life differently or evaluate our gifts or more appropriately devaluate our gifts! You know the phrase - "Oh, nobody cares about that!" We look at what people have cared about and then fit ourselves to what's been done. Skate boarding and extreme sports happened because someone said, "Hey, this is interesting. And, I love doing this!" Hmmm... love... that sounds like passion, doesn't it?

My bff, Alex... now there's an interesting person. She loved the thrill of racing and so, just started to race. She was good at it too. And, she didn't race because her dad raced or her dad wanted her to race. She raced because she genuinely liked to race. She followed that inner passion and was one of the few women doing it.

My passion? I love the mystery of life and I want to know more about how lives "happen". My life was interesting, but until I really focused on what mattered to me it was just what I knew. What I had grown up with. Then suddenly it was really in my face! Things happened and explaining them was hard in the context of what I had known. So, that became like a gauntlet from life, in my life. I'm like what was THAT all about! Yet, there was this inner passion that began to drive me. I started to look at myself differently. Oh, in many ways I was the Montressa I always knew, but somehow things were different. I realized life was about something else than the money I had known. It was actually way beyond that and THAT fascinated me. That drove me day to day. And, I kept meeting people who could assist me. All I had to do was be aware of what I wanted and ask. Yes, that easy. My life began to flow. While all the answers in any given instant were beyond my reach, the answers I needed for that part of my life were always there. Why? because I was following my passion! following my bliss!! You've heard the phrase... it really is true. Unfold your life by following your bliss. Hey, and it doesn't have to be a major leap... oh it can be like I eventually did, but it doesn't have to. Have you heard about overnight successes? Yeah, overnight in 20 years. The important thing is to recognize your passion and let it grow in you. You see that's the "problem" I have with western culture. We want instant. We want the cure now! We want enlightenment now! Duh... that is the point. You can HAVE it now, BUT are you READY for it?! You see, you grow into it. You feel into your being. You feel into who you are. Can it come overnight? Yup. Does it have to? Nope! That's the trick. If you go back and look at your life though, you can definitely identify a turning point. A point when you said, "Gee, I love this..." Whatever it is... and your soul smiled... if there IS a trick it is know when your SOUL smiles... that's where enlightenment comes in... in fact it's probably the most important reason for enlightenment. YOUR enlightenment that allows you to be who YOU are!!

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