Friday, October 11, 2013

Let Yourself Dream....

It's your life. If you could have it any way you want it, how would that be? Here's the deal... in order to have ANYTHING you need to know what it is! In detail!! I want a car. Nice. Okay, here's this rusted beater. Okay? Nooooo..... oh, well what did you want? I wanted a Mustang convertible!! Ahh... says the life genie. You turn around and there is this olive drab Mustang convertible with a camouflage roof. Ugh... so you turn to the life genie and say, "camouflage roof! What were you thinking?" I wanted it bright red with a tan roof!! And, a five speed on the floor, with Goodyear touring radials. Ohhhh.... the life genie says... I can do that!!

So, the point is, if YOU don't know or are not clear on what you want - HOW can LIFE, to be more specific, YOUR LIFE, EVER give it to you!!! Duh... Yet, how much of our life do we spend being unclear about what we want. What we do want brings things, people etc. into our lives. So dream, but don't dream from this is pure fiction. Or, if everything goes right ....Or THIS is what I want BUT. Own it. What you "feel" inside, how it occurs to you, is as simple as... I'm getting a glass of water. Dream from this is the reality I want and be prepared to receive it!! You know, my story... heck my life, is set in "if I was rich then I'd be okay!!" Guess what? New set of issues to deal with!! So, be prepared to deal with that which you want.

So, dream and BE CLEAR about what EXACTLY you want. Every detail. And, know that it IS possible to have it. Here's the catch - and the best way I can describe it... remember my last post about time being set in vibrations... well, you must vibrate like what you want. It is like two tuning forks in resonance! How do you get there... be clear, that's how. That clarity sets a "vibration" up in you. You start to become "like" that which you want. If you know what you want then it can clearly arise in you. That is how the law of attraction works. Works in your love life the same way. In your career. All the same way. Get into what it is that you want. Don't back into it by saying I don't want a... no, no, no. Positively what you want. Clearly, cleanly. Exactly like the Mustang. Oh yeah, what kind of rims did you want those Goodyears mounted on for your Mustang? Yes, that specific.

Here's the thing... how will you know whether you are clear? Well, let me put it this way - Wayne Dyer has a book called "You'll See It When You Believe It!" Well, folks it's waaaay more than belief... although that is on the right track!! It is deeper than belief. It IS YOU. Then YOU own it!! So, YOU must get to a place of having your dream. If with all your clarity YOU are not willing to have it, you won't! And, that is perfectly fine. Remember, I said be prepared to have it. Here's an example: I want a mansion on hill. How will it be landscaped? Who will maintain it? In your clarity, did you mention where you will get money for owning it? Oh, didn't want to own it? Then who will your contact be that let's you live there?

So, let yourself dream of the things that matter to you... be perfectly clear on that... learn to have it be a done deal in you... and, most importantly, accept where you are at.... Here's why I say that, I don't know exactly what the statistic is, but many people win lotteries. They don't stay "rich", Why? They are not willing to BE rich. That simple. They can set up a vib to WIN, but keeping is a whole nother story!! different vib by the way... try it... say I want to win a million dollars... feel that... now say... I want to keep a million dollars... different isn't... subtle... but different...

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