Friday, October 18, 2013

A Montressa Views Life Post Interruption for... Entelechy...


Montressa has not been introduced to this topic as of yet, so as a result I need to address it. A friend of mine, a transpersonal psychologist, introduced me to a Greek word, entelechy. You can look it up on the internet and there are various ways "explained" that the word came about. Basically, it addresses potentiality. Like what Depok Chopra talks about in the "space of infinite potential". However, in my approach to it, the focus is on what already exists that is complete and whole in and of itself. The example given to me was that the fully developed oak tree is the entelechy of the acorn. It is the full realization of the potential that already exists in the acorn. This "concept" captured my full attention immediately when I heard it mentioned. Here's why.

Our fully realized self is the entelechy of who and what we are. Stay with me here... so, everything we are in this moment is already contained within our being both physically and metaphysically. So, the perfection you seek in this human form, you already are!!

Are there "things" in the way? Sure, who put them there? Exactly. WE are in our own way!! Now, here is where the magic is, and that is PERFECT!! THERE IS nothing wrong here!! So, in each moment just as the acorn is still the oak, the OAK IS still the acorn. Just as you are seeking the perfection of you that already exists, the perfection of you that already exists is seeking you in this very moment. Not only that, but check this out... this perfect loving being is the one seeking you. The perfection is seeking and accepting you in a perfect way, just the way you are!! It is like the Jesus of you, the Buddha of you is seeking and accepting you just as you are.

Are you seeing where I'm going... YOU are the perfection you SEEK in this moment. So, am I. We all are striving for a perfection that ALREADY exists!! It is in and of us.

So, the judgments we have about ourselves, and by extension to others because of the mirror thing... are JUST judgments that separate us from what already exists!! And, in spite of these judgments, we are loved and accepted by the perfect being that we are. As we learn to see these judgments for what they are we are brought closer to who we ALREADY are.

To be clear, what this says is that in any moment, we have already arrived. Quantum space. Drop the separation we set up in time and we are there!! This goes back to Montressa's time discussion. What it further says and this is what I find really interesting - is that you can consult with your realized self that is the perfection of who and what you are!! This being, this entelechy of YOU can communicate with you!

Now, is this a "head" trip? To be sure yes, but only if you say so in the sub-space we chose to exist. What if you "just" take this as information? As a possibility in your life. As an exploration of the space of infinite potential that Depok Chopra talks about. Or, is talked about in the movie "What the Bleep..Do We know?"

To give you a further insight here, what separates the acorn from the full oak? Time. How did time get there? We put it there because that's how we do life, right? What happens IF we chose to do life differently? What happens when we meet and become our fully realized self in this moment? And, what happens when we no longer need this moment as a moment? When our awareness allows us to collapse the time slices.

You can see where existence is going. Why? Because I just said it AND you heard it and got it! All is shifting as I write this! Welcome to the new awareness of the quantum space!! Thoughts define this space and operate in this space. They can block energy and keep you from it or they can accelerate you in it... Now here's the real question. Can you sustain that vibration? Can you chose the thoughts that take you there? That becomes the determining factor as to how fast it can manifest. This is true of all things in and of your life. And, remember, fast is only fast because of the way we slice time... we are already there.. otherwise...

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