Monday, October 14, 2013


In your journey in your life you attract "things" to you as a result of your vibration. That is the best way I can say it. So, to simplify it, there is something about you and the way your life is contexted that allows people to be in your space and say whatever it is that they say. You know, it's that whole mirror that we've heard so much about... like attracts like etc. The question then becomes, "What are the uses of thoughts." Thoughts tell you what is happening for you. That is why I see the goal of meditation is to become aware of you. And, of course things will come up and you go Ugh... what the heck is THAT about. Your ego will want to "judge it, classify it, "Wow, that was a weird thought.." That is when you need to focus on YOU. In these golden moments you have choices! That is the power of them... that is the power of knowing where you are. I talked about that in a previous post, "The Most Powerful Place In the Universe". These are ALL assists in our life. The most important thing is to honor what they are. Here's something interesting: Did you ever see sessions where people are hitting pillows expressing an emotion, "I hate you for..." fill in the blank. What happens is these emotions just "sit" until you either honor them by expression or finally realize there are other places where you can put your attention and you just let them go. For instance, "Oh, I see that happened because..." AND, you get FULLY how absurd it is to continue to maintain your attention there. Until this point, it may have been invisible to you.

Also, thoughts can help us direct our life. You will say, "I think I should.." Listen to the words. Do you know it or is it a "nice" idea? I see that as why clearing attention that you are unaware of is so important. Without clearing emotions that you are holding, how will you know what you know and what you think? And there IS a difference. Do you know your name or do you think it? Do you know you have kids or do you think you have kids? It's really that simple.

In starting to utilize ANY of this, start little by little. A post like this can tell you where to start looking, but YOU need to do the work. It is different for each of us. THAT is why we are here. Honor your ego, but don't believe it. It is just an opinion of the mind. Our mind even questions the order of the universe. We say, "That shouldn't have happened.. " What you can say is from your limited perspective, yeah it shouldn't have happened. Guess what? It did AND it is in your awareness space!! How did it get there? Universal accident? There ARE no accidents!! Or, eliminating the negative: the universe is on purpose!

Oh, don't get me started. Yeah, I really want to get started about this! Accidents? Really? What did Einstein say - "God does not play dice with the universe!" Not that he was any expert on life, but he did know and connect with a few things! Accidents? That's how we absolve our responsibility... our lack of awareness. Hey, I'm good with that. We each are where we are and that's fine because it's the judgment of ourselves AND others that creates the need to absolve ourselves. Once we "believe" the judgment we go to "there must be something wrong here.." yes, there is... it's called the universe in operation... but we have the audacity to judge it in our finite wisdom.

So, now when you finish reading this, and turn your attention to the outside world and if it isn't how you "think" it should be, remember it is the way it is and that's fine. Be clear on what you want and attract it to you!! The mere fact that you suspended judgment will begin allowing it to happen.

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