Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Live Your Insights...

As we go through life our awareness deepens and we have insights about ourselves and our life. Having insights is one thing... living insights is something else! So, as we have the insights, it is important to incorporate them into our life. I'm not talking about nice ideas, but true insights. How do you know the difference? Insights come from a deeper place in you. And, that is part of the journey - To differentiate between "knowings", which I am calling insights, and nice ideas which are a product of your ego and mind. All of the "issues", things that are less appealing about our life on earth, are a product of mind and ego which occur to us as what I am calling "nice ideas". They arise from what we think. We "think" this is this way or that is that way. And, those thoughts are influenced by our emotions and judgments and evaluations of feelings. "Oh, I shouldn't feel that way". Why shouldn't you? That's what came up in you! Rather than censor it, look at it. It doesn't matter whether you should or shouldn't have that feeling or judgment. Fact is, you have it! THAT is information for you, about you. By acknowledging it you have choices in regard to it.

The "idea", for instance, "I own this land." How can you own something that you are a part of? Yeah, we own ourselves, but we really don't "own" ourselves. We are fully responsible for ourselves. Wouldn't the land of earth be treated the same way? We are responsible for this land. This is one of the reasons I say words in your life are important. The words create a relationship to you, an access to you. That is why I say to watch your words. Anyway, back to "nice ideas". Interesting, I now see that some of the issues that arise from "nice ideas" are actually imprecise use of words. Okay, then the words create an access to who and what we are. So, if I say "I own this land" what comes up in me?  This feeling of possession. A feeling of supreme authority. Yeah, right. Look at what Katrina did to New Orleans. Supreme authority. Umm... probably not! Own would not be the proper word to use in relation to all that is, would it?

This is what I am saying about awareness - it occurs like mini-awakenings on your journey which is a good reason to pay attention. Your insights are not there by accident, but are your route to enlightenment. It's a cumulative thing. The more you can live them, the more insights you have and the more enlightened you become! Is there an end-point? YOU tell me!

As we become aware of what is arising in us and put aside our judgments, we can get a clearer picture of who we are and what our journey has been. Then insights can arise within us about where we have been on our journey and what choices we might want to make based on them.

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