Friday, March 28, 2014

An Interesting Experience That Relates to Lids

We meet with some interesting people once a week and do among other things what is called "The Realization Process" based on work by Judith Blackstone. This process connects you with your body, so that you are fully inhabiting it and at the same you focus your awareness on the fact the "space" you inhabit is part of a continuum of space. It is all connected. In another process called "Core Breath" this becomes more apparent.

So, a few days ago after we had done Judith Blackstone's "Realization Process", our group was talking about how "the one" pervades all of us. Yet we are all differentiated and distinct. How is that we questioned? We are all different, yet one. Almost a Koan... right. Then, I saw it clearly, the underlying energy of us all and because of this energy we can be differentiated as we chose it! As I sat with this realization... I could see how we make agreements to come into the duality. We take on certain energies that we choose... some of which we then choose to "shift" here in this duality. These energies can and do pervade us and the reason we make the choices to shift them. This was such a powerful insight for me because I saw it perfectly the knowing level...

And, I'll add here... I actually had a complete sense of the energy underlying all of us and then actually saw the way we assemble the subtle energies to our being. It is like a sculpture. There is a base... and then form is added that differentiates it from...say a "plain" rock. The "form" is added by choice and can be shifted as we choose. All this is part of a free-will universe. Although, I will say, sometimes the "choice" is only to say yes, as may be the case with karmic issues.

The reason I'm mentioning this now is to provide some background about lids. This form we put on to form all of who we each are can contain lids that we may wish to shift during our life in the duality. In total, I really can't address where all of these energies come from. There may be karmic issues that need to be addressed etc. Given that, it is what it is. Actually, I'm being as clear as I can be because every issue, every lid is there for a reason. As I have said many times... there's nothing "wrong" here. And, this is very important. The ego may take this into judgment because that is what the ego does. It assesses and differentiates. That assessment can cause action on your part. You can decide to shift something because ego has notified you that it is "wrong" or does not work for you. That is how the choice to shift something may arise. Even though that choice arises at the level of mind, it can still be useful to you. As the ego learns to trust you and YOU learn to trust the ego a balance is reached. Also, YOU and the ego will learn that the assessment is not black and white. It is what it is and there are choices you can make around that. The ego may initially perceive it as black and white, but YOU will add scope to it by using your total awareness. By doing this, you will learn to deal with the ego's assessments! Just ALWAYS be aware, there is nothing wrong here... it is what it is and there are choices to be made.

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