Thursday, March 27, 2014

More About Lids...

So, the lids are the invisible fences of our being. That is why it takes vigilance and perseverance to detect them and come to terms with them. Sometimes it happens as a Satori... a moment of complete recognition. Oh, this is why I do that ...or this is why I believe that.. It all comes from your inner knowing in those moments. At other times you need to look at your life and ask yourself... why is this happening or why is my life like that? Ultimately, it is all about your attention. When you ask yourself the right questions and put your attention on the lids that are confining you, you can begin to see them. It is important to realize that there is "nothing wrong here". Put another way... eliminating the negative... everything is the way it is supposed to be ..until this point of recognition! Now, at the point of recognition, we can make choices around what we see as lids or confinements. Some are very simple.. in an instant you know, this no longer serves me! Others times you may struggle with it. You may "need" to see them a few times until you are willing to trust your knowing and make a decision to go beyond them. Also, any criticism you have is a product of ego. Ego is looking for things for it "fix" so it has to be able to assess them.. this is wrong, this is too this or too that... however, it is still ego talking... ego assessing... at a deeper level you just know... GONNA do it differently... then ego may kick in with a justification ... Oh yeah, this isn't working.. fine, but your inner knowing has spoken... and because of the depth of the knowing, ego was not required to justify your actions... your actions are of being and choice... not of ego and rationalization!

Ever hear of someone who just said, "I'm gonna quit smoking" and stopped right then and there, cold turkey? Who do you think made that choice?  I have seen that several times. And, it is a powerful place to BE. It's about an inner truth and it comes from being. The ego will "struggle" with it, but YOU know what needs to be done and do it completely and immediately. In this instance, smoking was a lid to that person's health... boom... a decision from core... gone!!

And, this is true of ANYTHING in your life! Boom a decision from core.. gone if need be or brought into your life if need be, a creation... boom done! That's how powerful we are as humans when we stand at the precipice...

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