Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Montressa Is In The Building

Well folks... Montressa is in today! Without further fanfare - Montressa Tesworth

Hi! I'm Montressa Tesworth and no disrespect to Mike BUT sheesh.. how long you gonna make me wait!!

Look, world changes start with you! Okay? There I said it! Yeah, I know nothing new here, right? We are all part of the human condition. Well, at least the condition we have chosen to live so far. First off, all of us have things that cover over who we each are. Lord knows I've had my struggles... I mean especially with those beaus, those men in my life. You know I can see who they are... but you know they don't get themselves. No really. They don't. Shit, even this Mike guy. Yeah, yeah, sure he's the author of me... well, I been around for long time and he is FINALLY letting me speak my piece!! Okay, so back to my mens. It's like to tell them stuff... even for their own good... I mean I have to hold a mirror under their nose to see if it fogs!! Hey, anyone in there? You alive or what? Oh, yeah. They pretend to be alive, but I've seen them in unguarded moments. Moments where they are totally willing to show what they are made of. I've seen them shine. I really have. Then suddenly pfft... it's gone. That's why finding a man is so hard today. Really! Check out these boardroom types... yeah movers and shakers..well I'm not quite sure what they are shaking but sure ain't my love muscles!! Boooring!

That's my thing. Just be here now for longer than a few seconds. So, here I am... my biological clock ticking. I mean can you hear it!! It's deafening.

So that was the thing. That trip to India did it for me. Talk about a wake-up call! I wasn't back in the US for few months and Tom shows up. Okay. How do you resist Tom? Football star. Grad school buddy. Of course my parents were not very thrilled with him. They figured it was that growing through that adolescence thing. Hello, news flash, I'm in grad school folks!! The world doesn't stop just because you're busy with all that important money and society stuff.

For me, the sad part was I had no metrics to judge my life with. Yeah, you could say I was born with a silver spoon. And, you'd be right. That's why 8 years later India rocked my world. Basically, I'm really a spiritual type. Of course I didn't realize that until I was willing to recognize that there was part of me that was missing. Sure, it all looked good on the surface, but my models were few and far between. Know how I started to see the value of every human being I encountered. Givens. Yes, Givens my dad's valet. He changed my life. Well, my mom and dad sure weren't going to. They had all to do to take care of themselves. My brother Garrett did everything right, too. Me, I was a black sheep. They almost used to apologize for me. Garrett had his estate and was a globe hopper for Tesworth Enterprises. So, as I started to see things differently I would have my little chats with Garrett. It all looked good on the surface. Huge house. Businesses all over the world. But, look at him. The tiredness shows in his eyes. His wife, Darlene, a typically supressed mogul's wife. Incredible artist, but going with him to all these business functions. I can tell you that wasn't going to last that way!

Then there's me, The Communictions Director for ICE. Yup! That's my official title. But, I can tell you I was all but married to ICE. I was going to make the company go if I had to crawl on glass. And, guess what? I did. Dad noticed me then. By then I almost didn't care. I did it because it was fun... for awhile.

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