Thursday, August 22, 2013

Montressa Talks About Her Journey

Well, I'd be lying if I told you I didn't enjoy my job! Oh, I do... well... a... I did... that job anyway. But I did start to see things differently. Ben Archfeldt, he was the COO. My dad put him in charge. When a company crashes you have to do what you have to do to recover your loses. I just saw it as an opportunity to use what I know, not to mention to show my dad what I can do! Oh yeah, there's always that undercurrent that runs through you. That feeling that you are not quite enough. It took me awhile to deal with that. Well, the fact of the matter is that you are more than enough. It's YOU who think you are not enough and the universe responds accordingly! Don't believe me? Don't! That's perfectly fine with me, but I'm going to keep telling you about me. The book will tell you the story and Mike did a good job of capturing those elements. Still, you can't put me in a box so neat and tidy! There's so much more to me than meets the eye in the story. My guess is you can tell already. There's just something about this Montressa person, isn't there. Well, yeaah. That's because there is.

So, back to Ben Archfeldt. Nice guy, a little short-sighted at times, but he WAS my boss and if you are going to be a team player... you play ON the team. You don't go running off to Daddy and say, "Ben, he's being difficult! He want's me to go to India on short notice!" And, part of that is because I do love my dad. Yeah, even though he was a bit short-sighted at times, too. Actually about a lot of things it turns out. Of course that is MY judgment of things. And, as you can tell I do have my opinions about the way the world "should" be. I'm sure you do as well. Well, let me ask you - How should the world be? The first thing you will tell me is - there shouldn't be any suffering, right? Part of he "suffering" comes from resistance and judgment. We say, this shouldn't be this way! It's wrong! Yeah, I get it. I shouldn't have had the parents I did! It WAS wrong!! Well, not exactly. To be totally clear, my parents didn't get there by accident. Neither did Givens! Can you imagine? I learned my greatest most important lessons from Givens, but if I didn't have the parents I had those lessons wouldn't have had the huge impact they did. That's why I got soooo... upset when he got sick. But see, by that point I had finally accepted that I just needed to trust myself. And, I did. And actually, that trust played a role in how I chose to be with Givens.

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