Friday, August 30, 2013


Well, I may as well just tell you... Reality is Unreal! Yes, that's right you heard me. And, no, I am perfectly sane and ALL my wiring is in place!

When I had my interview with Dr. Hubbel we talked about "reality". The conclusion we came to is that "reality" is unreal. How so? It has to do with perspective and "life experiences". After that discussion, the thing I found humorous is when people would say, "The reality of it..." because what always needs to follow that phrase is "for me!" It is all about the conditions you have generated in your life and your outlook at any given time. One person can have many more possibilities in their life. They are optimistic. They see the glass half full. Half empty does not occur for them. Have you known optimists like that? Look at Edison. When he invented the light bulb, on his last failure, he said something like "I found 99 ways not to do it." His focus was on doing it. Some call that genius. The light bulb is not an efficient source of light, but it does give light and you don't need a fire going to get it. So, my point today is that reality is personal. Maybe that's why Mark Twain said, "Your opinion of me is none of my business!" Your opinion is a product of your judgments and evalutaions. Who knew he was a scientist probing "reality"... see that's my reality...

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