Tuesday, September 3, 2013


It's funny how we all recognize genius. I mean it's like genius is defacto. It just is, right? Watch... I say Einstein... What comes up? I say Edison? What comes up? See what I mean? How about Isaac Asimov? So, there is something about these guys that we just "get". One of the things I learned about genius is what I call "scope". They don't limit themselves. I was almost going to say "limit themselves in any way", but then I don't that for sure. What I do know is that they have a broad scope and they do their own "thing". Edison sleeping in "cat naps". And certainly Einstein had his style. Not sure I can define that, but there was a style there. Even though he was a "scientist" he referenced God. So, for him there was a unity of all things. Interesting how long it takes for those kinds of insights with that kind of scope to "catch on" and be like "everybody knows". Here's something really interesting. It has been discovered that the Greeks knew the "world" was "probably" round! Yes, they did this by measuring the length of "shadows" at various latitudes. So, the arguments that "everybody knows" about the world being flat or round occurring in the middle ages may actually have had much deeper political implications. So then there were these Greek geniuses too!! These were very highly evolved studiers of the universe. I heard a shocking statistic, at least to me. The "Milky Way", our galaxy, is 130,000 light years across! Light travels at 183,000 miles/hour. And, it would take light 130,000 years to cross JUST our galaxy of which our solar system is a VERY small part! Add to that - there are hundreds of thousands of galaxies in the universe! Feeling small yet? That's not the point, but I did want you to be with that. No... what this just says is OUR INTREPRETATON of the unverse, what we see, seems to show us that. It doesn't say that it IS that way!! Hence, the quantum space. What is the quantum space? That's a great question!

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