Tuesday, September 17, 2013

If I Were a Rich Man... yah..da..da.. dah!

Since the last post was l'chaim, and since "Fiddler On The Roof" is one of my favorite Broadway shows, let's talk about if we were rich men!! Well? Many think if I were rich then yahda, duhda, da... not to be confused with the song yah..da..da..dah!! So,there's this string of logic that the mind follows. Well, here's the deal... YOU still MUST deal with YOU!! How you see life. What your satisfactions are. That's where you need to be looking for salvation. Remember a few posts back I talked about awakening and Tony Robbins was one of the examples I mentioned. He just woke up one day and "saw" it all differently. I'm sure initially it looked like any other day... then suddenly there was this thought that came up. Instead of brushing it aside as not within his realm, given his current conditions, he said wait a minute...yes. This IS NOT working... remember also in another post I talked about rock bottom. THAT is a motivator. One thing you can do is look at all the "reasons" you are not rich, assuming richness really gets you anything. What opportunities did you let go that could have been the "gateway drug" to you!! For me, it could be useful to notice those, but certainly not dwell on them because that then reinforces where you are at. When you look at them, this allows you to accept your life, right now, as it is. That's important. Remember, there is nothing wrong here... just YOU don't like where you are at. That's perfectly fine... another acknowledgement of where you are at. There could be some heavy duty emotion attached to that. That's fine as well. If that does come up for you, you need to deal with it. Part of the issue is that emotional stuff is in the way. Do you feel worthy? Did someone hurt you and you're not gonna do THAT again? You know those kinds of things. That happend to me in my life but about a different issue. Still, it pissed me off!! Here's what I'll say... some people just continually "generate" from the quantum space. They don't need to be "rich" in THAT sense. They are. Hey, they're attached in a profound way to the quantum space. Yet, others ARE rich because they are attached to the quantum space. Doesn't matter how you get there. The common space is the quantum space. So, I would say ponder how you relate to YOU. That is much more profound than "If I were a rich man.." In fact, if you do ponder that you will have access to all that you need.

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