Friday, September 20, 2013

But Wait, There's More...

So, as a follow-on to yesterday's post... Okay, what do you do once you know where you are? Here's what I'd say. If it is a mental issue that arises from an emotional issue that comes up as a result of judgment where you say, "I hate this", then, Great. Now you know where you are focusing. Do you want to continue to "hate this" or is there another way to see it? What about an opposite? "I love this!!" Of course then your local mind will say, "Are you crazy? You LOVE this?" Okay, "I'm very sane and I love this." "You're sane? Really." "Yes look, hating it hasn't done anything so far. And, it must be there for a reason. I mean how did it get there otherwise, right?" Then your mind will relent and say "Okaaayyy... you can love this..." As soon as that release happens - everything changes... in a good way (notice the judgment there... I'm still willing to go with it though - I just wanted to point out something that could slip by us). So, you approach life from a proactive standpoint always looking for what conversations are generating your life. The words that come up provide that insight. They too are there for a reason!! Do you see how perfectly connected everything is? What looks ramdom, certainly is not. Whether you like what's there or not, well that's another issue. Okay, that was pretty easy. Let's keep going. Want to have a tantrum? Really? I'm okay with it. In fact, if you know how "uncovered" you'd be after, you'd be okay with it too. I know it would be a funny world if we all went around having tantrums every time we had a judgment we didn't like, but think of this... we don't do that and look at how the world looks. The ludicrousness is just covered over. It's like a German Shepard trying to hide under a table with it's ass sticking out. That's how stupid we look energetically, stuffing our emotions down. Oh yeah, right, nobody can see them. Is that hilarious or what? Some call it being authentic or being real. So, let's get real, our toddlers are. Funny, they are WAY more in the FLOW then we are. Hey, they don't get what they want, watchout, Yo. They're comming after you!! Besides the fact that it can be maddening for us... there's something to learn there. Really. My favorite word... of course it's my really, but I invite you to share it with me so it becomes your "really". Remember we talked about "reality" awhile back.

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