Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Quantum Space

The quantum space can be defined logically to some degree to the "satisfaction" of the mind. But, actually, it is beyond the "local" mind. Healing modalities come from this space. To really "understand" this i.e. make the local mind happy with the answer... lets go back to the universe. When you look up at the stars at night, as beloved Carl Sagan used to say, we see "billions and billions of stars". True, and in our "small" capacity the universe is "untouchable" and unknowable. I mean really. However, what my expereince says is that anytime something "seems" unfathomable or we can't relate to it, we just need to change our perspective. This is even true if you understand Einstein's "Relativity". Even he talked about frames of reference. There's the observed guy traveling at the speed of light who is almost not aging. Then there's the observer, you. THAT is the frame of reference I'm referring to. YOU are the observer and you think certain things are happening by observation. Yet, the "reality" of it is, and we talked about reality a few posts ago, the guy you "think" you're looking at is not aging... but you ARE. Okay, frames of reference. So, what I'm saying we must need a different frame of reference to "see" the universe so that it is knowable!! Simple! Are we there yet... close. We "just" need to make some small transitions that may seem huge to us now, leaps of "faith" even, to get there. This is what Jesus, or the one they call Jesus, tried to "teach" his disciples. As soon as Peter thought about things when he was "walking" to Jesus on the water, he sank!! His reality set in. The water will not hold me... there is nothing there... and by anaolgy, I can never reach the stars... yes, from our current perspective, but that does not mean that it is true... to put that all in perspective... Newton defined dynamics, but it was only part of the total picture. Newton's work soon became a small part of Einstein's Theory of Relativity. So, we started with Newton and what he did had great value. Then Einstein embellished it with his "Theory of Relativity". In the scheme of all things at this point, there is something that contains Einstein's Theory of Relativity. That is, a theory that "contains" Relativity as a sub-set, a part of its total scope. THAT will provide the perspective to see more of the possibilities in terms of the navigation of the universe. Just like, as I mentioned in the "Genius" post, about the world being round. It took awhile to overcome the politics and resistance of it all. Keep in mind time does not truly exist! Oh, but then I explain that to Dr. Hubbel and he really "gets" it. Which is exciting for both of us. But, hey, this is ALL mind candy!! You don't need to know any of it. Why would you? Do you think because your mind can understand it, it makes it any more useful? I only wanted to point out here that there are things operating in the universe that we can begin to explain in light of all the genius that has gone before. I didn't just invent it now. It is operating as I speak! So, I explained all this for two reasons, 1) That all I have said can be easily verified based on current knowledge and 2) to motivate you to go deeper into who you are and what YOU can do in this quantum space that is operating.

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