Thursday, September 5, 2013


Yes, the magnificence of the human spirit! Wow! I get so geeked to address that! The perfection that we are. Is there imperfection in our perfection? Sure, that's the point! We sit back and judge and call the judgment imperfection. Nahh... that is actually taking us home. How could THAT be imperfect. See, the universe, it all works. It is magnificent and we are magnificent beings in it. We need to learn to chill, folks. Yeah, quit choking up on the bat, my friends, and let that ball come to you. You can find it. You can connect. You don't need to go looking for it, you know. If you chill you will see it. Can't miss it. That's what we are in the process of learning. Let go and let God. God IS in the quantum space. The thing is, we won't do that until the options seem very limited and we "think" we are in a heap of trouble! We "think" we can figure it out... there is NOTHING to figure out, my friends. And, it doesn't matter whether you do!! That's what I was getting to about the "quantum space". Do you "think" that if you can figure it out or understand it, it will operate any better? It's already operating. What can you possibly do to make it better? So, chill and just navigate it. How do you navigate it? Ah, that's your real question isn't it? All that busy mind stuff. But, you just feel vulnerable, that's all. "Please help me," you say. "Is there someone "out there" who can help me?" Well, no, actually. There are those that can assist, but you need to do the work. You need to make it happen. And THAT misunderstanding, someone can "help" you, is the biggest fallacy on planet Earth. You are the source of all your issues and all your great fortune. Hey, look, you are operating in the quantum space without a license!! Yeah, that's right! Then your mind wants to argue with me and say I don't have it right!! Oh really? Well, the way I see it YOU are the one looking for help! I'm okay and you're okay. However, the issue is YOU don't think so. Isn't it? Let's tell the truth here. I'm comfortable with the mystery. Are you? Maybe that's the point. We need to get comfortable with the mystery. Do you think it was "easy" to do the things I did? I challenged everything in my life. If it hadn't been for Alex I don't know what I'd have done. But, let me tell you, there was no "Deus Ex Machina". No "voila" stick that made things right. I had to keep navigating... day by day, situation by situation.

And, yes, there are some of us with larger "problems". I get that. We can be born into this life with them. That's the point, to chunk through them. I'm not laying a bad trip on you, really. I'm not. But, we need to become present enough in this reality to "see" what is happening. So, give God Honesty and he will give you Truth! Most important thing I ever heard! It is okay to be totally pissed about things. In fact, once you recognize, and accept it you can get it out and see more of you! Then you will see glimpses of that Magnificence that you are. It's stunning, I mean really stunning. Like you have never been stunned in your life!!

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