Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Most Powerful Place in the Universe!!

Knew I'd get your attention with that!! So, where is the most powerful place in the universe? Right where you are!! Yes. If you know exactly where you are then you know all you need to know because it gives you choices in terms of what direction you want to go. As I said in yesterday's post, for me, that is better than stored up riches because it allows you to navigate insitu... in the situation, right were you are at! I'm happy. I'm sad. I'm pissed. I'm lonely. You can differentiate between heart things - emotions, head things - what you are telling yourself and judgments and core things - what you need to do NOW to assist your life flow. Have you ever watched a kid have a tantrum? They have the tantrum, get over it and move on. We, because we have been trained as "adults", aren't allowed that luxury. We need to be nice. Well, anger and fear are not nice. Notice my judgment. What was yours? Anger looks so intense, you know. Scary even. What causes illness is the supression of these emotions. They just want to flow through you and be done. But no, we have been trained as "adults" that this is not nice. It brings stuff up in the people around us. Know why? Yup... they are just as pissed about something as you are and you are allowing that "vibration" which they are attuning to and it comes up in them and they "want" to express it, but mentally have this need to suppress it because they were "taught' it's "not nice" to make people uncomfortable around you. So, what I am saying, if I'm making you uncomfortable and I'm in your "space" what does that say about you? By the way, I'm not saying that you "need" to address it. Maybe you're not ready. That's fine. Remove yourself from that space!! That's the whole point of this post. Know where you are and what is going on. The most powerful place in the universe. So, getting back to being uncomfortable. That can tell you something about you. It's not bad or good. It's just information that assists you in knowing where you are. And, it may just be something you don't like because you've been there and done that. So, what you do about it is another thing. However, know that when you are in the position of knowing and accepting what is going on in you, YOU are in the MOST powerful place in the universe... for YOU for SURE! Then there is the question of what DO you do about it?

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