Tuesday, September 10, 2013


The universe is awesome! Life is awesome! I'm so geeked I want to say it is f'ing awesome!! By this point, I bet you want to say that maybe Monty is a bit...mmmm... challenged. A little off the hook. Well, in a way, I'm alot off the hook. And, that is a good thing, I tell you! Think of all the people that you know that are "on the hook", exactly... boooring. It's okay to be a little, how shall I say, "different". I see the world like a mesh of gears. You know how perfectly gears fit together? And then they rotate completely in sync. There's a long explanation about involuted surfaces, but we don't need to go there. Oh, wait, we already did!! Well, okay, forget I said that! So, everything fits together... perfectly. Like I said in a previous post. When we practice gratitude, we are acknowledging the perfection of the universe. That is one of the most important reasons for gratitude. We are saying, Universe, you're perfection is amazing. It is gratifying. I am so blessed to be part of it. So blessed to participate. Even if I hate this moment because of my judgments of it! This too is bringing me home... home to peace... home to love... that turmoil I feel settles down to a wholeness I can experience, if I let myself. With gratitude, you can start to trust the universe. Trust even the decisions that may have made issues in your life for you! The gratitude allows you to let it all go. You don't have to hold on to this stuff. Really, you can let it go. And, then too, there is the matter of your "attention". Did you ever hear the phrase, "pay attention". It means - please direct your life-force here. Literally. So, your attention directs your life-force, the stream of who you are. And, we can actually use our mind and ideas that can entrap us to free us. Sounds like smoke and mirrors doesn't it?!! I can tell you for sure it is not. Again, remember I said we are navigating the quantum space without a license. Well, of course when we were born we came in with a handbook, right? Oh, you mean you didn't get yours? Wtf? Sorry, couldn't help that... So, yeah, there was no handbook and that is perfect too. How could you ever get to be who you choose to be with one? Still, you need to know the rules. Gratitude is one of the rules. That's it. Everything that happens to you is there for a reason. And, by the way, not one your local mind can always understand, and that is perfect too. Wow. I sound like I'm talking in parables. I'm not really. Just off the hook a little, shall I say... don't you just love it!! I do and so does the universe!!

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