Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Yesterday's Post Today...

To show you the difference in communication here is yesterday's post with the negatives removed. No more not's, nothings etc. unless I want them there.

To me enlightenment occurs as a process. Sure, voila, you can be enlightened. However, there is a process of sustaining the energy level or "vibration" level. And, I know for some that sounds wu-wu, but I just don't know at this point how else to reference it. Hmmm... and the opposite is? I do know how to reference it. Okay, okay... give me a second to let that settle. New moment!! So, it is a vibration, just like tuning a radio. You tune to what you want to hear on the radio and similarly to what you want to experience in life. So, to me, enlightenment happens in steps. The best analogy I can give is grab two wires with 50 volts. Ouch. now try it again, and again. Now let's try 100 volts! Ouch. etc. Pretty soon you can train your self to handle that. By the way, I'm talking lower current here!! Still, you get the idea. As we live, if we are "paying attention", and you know that's a sensitive spot with me because as humans we miss many times what is going on and there's the rub, there's the inhibitor to enlightenment. In fact, we say things and when asked, "What did you say?" we can't even repeat it. We get, "Well, I said something to the effect of..." No...no... what EXACTLY did you say? EVERYTHING is there for a reason. The quantum space operates ALL the time 24/7. Look, I want to show you what is happening. See how I'm watching my words. THAT's what it takes to communicate clearly. THAT's how you show respect to people. THAT's how you show respect to yourself. You communicate from, my life is so worth it and your life is so worth it that I want you to get me perfectly and I want to get YOU perfectly!! Watching my words is showing the greatest respect I can give you. Okay, now that you know I totally respect you, many awakenings. See, this ties into what I was saying about paying attention. There are many things in life that are awakening us, but we miss awakening moments because our attention is elsewhere. And, BY THE WAY, THAT is fine. Everythying is happening for a purpose. Sustaining your complete attention can be difficult at times. BUT, I know you see glimpses. Just like I do and did. You see through it for a spilt second. Golden moments. That's when your core engages and you are totally intuitive. In that space you know all you need to know. Pretty cool stuff. Suddenly, the thought flashes... "I don't know what I just said (or "my attention was somewhere else)"... and you go back and retrieve it. THAT my friends is a mini-awakening... a step to enlightment. Living this human life, we so many times over look the obvious. I once saw a sign, "God created the simple things to confound the wise!!" Loved it!! And, yes sometimes the awakening is huge! At least its affect on you! That's how you gage it, if you want to judge it. A person could say one simple sentence and your whole life profoundly changes for the better. But, remember this, that one sentence was there for a purpose. YOU invited it in. YOU were ready to "hear" it in a profound way!!

I could have just re-wrote my original post cleanly without the negatives and removed backing into my descriptionsm with nots, but from my perspective this was much more constructive, especially for me, and I hope you see something here that makes a difference for you. As always your comments are welcome. Even though I'm "fictional" I'm on this journey just like you. Everthing I say comes out of the context of my life. So, I don't say it unless my life supports it based on what has happend to me!!

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