Monday, August 26, 2013

We Interrupt Your Regular Scheduled Montressa Visit!

Montressa is taking a break today so that I can tell you about some of the changes I've made to her blog and some additional information.

1) I added some graphics. Hope you enjoy them. When I told an artist friend of mine about the story, he came up with the sketch you see. I actually have a fully developed complete book for the spiritual/self-help market. It has a completely different, highly artistic cover developed by my son Martin, a graphic designer and photographer whose work is on the front covers of major Detroit mags. But, the spiritual/self help market may be too limited. When I developed the story it was actually a screen play that "played" in my head that I converted into a "novel" format. So, ultimately I want to do the movie which would require a broader market for the book to motivate either independent producers or Hollywood types.

2) My focus is to provide value for blog readers. I'm still in the process of developing "ICE, India & Old Lovers" in terms of the final product and market placement. There will be a follow-on book that I developed with a high profile editor, more on that if there is any interest.

3) I have opened the comments to the public. If you would like to comment on or ask Montressa a question about a specific post or anything about this blog that would be great! Feel free to post it.

4) Any comments you have in the direction of development are welcome as well. I have a friend of mine who has read my pre-publication book and randomly opens to pages in the book every few days and says she always gets something that seems to apply to her life. Her question to me was, "Why haven't you "really" published this!!" Client of mine, as I noted in about MTV, said, "It starts with the journey of the central character and ends with the transformation of the reader." This blog is a product of that embarassing question and that comment!! Then there is the person, the one beside my wife, that really got me moving - see comment 6!!

5) If you enjoy this blog, find it useful or entertaining please forward the link to friends. This is important both for the blog itself and the information that is being shared. Plus, it will guide me in the best way to market the story. My plan as this unfolds is to ultimately development a non-profit. So, as they say, my mission is noble!!

6)Lastly, I need to mention Annie Burnside! She is the author of "Soul to Soul Parenting" and classifies herself as a soul nurturer. First off, stop reading this and go get her book! Yes, that's how important it is! Next, get back to this blog for you to surface the issues in your life that may be holding you back!! We need to shift ourselves so we can be quality parents for our children. Annie has read my pre-publication copy and because of her comments I decided to go full tilt on this!! You can find her on Facebook. Thanks so much Annie. YOU, as I have said to you before, are the REAL DEAL!!

To all the readers: Thanks for reading all this fine-print about the blog. Montressa just can't wait to get back to talking about her life!!

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