Monday, December 22, 2014

Gratefulness and Gratitude... Inspire Your Life

During the end of the year, it is interesting to look back and see what has transpired in the year. At the same time, no matter what has happened, it is important to feel grateful and be grateful.. both for the "things" that went as "planned" and for the unplanned things as well. Typically our minds judge all things and the unplanned or unexpected things sometimes are judged more harshly. Like this or that "shouldn't" have happened. As soon as you see the word "should" or any variant of "should" that is an alarm of judgment. Pay attention to what is coming up for you in those moments. Nothing that arises in you is bad or negative. When you are paying attention, then you are in the most powerful place in the universe... you know where you are! What can happen many times is we don't want to feel something and with the mind busy judging it, we don't have to "feel"... we are too busy with our judgments.

If some things this year have not gone as planned it is just information that can be used to assess what our next move might be. And, those things that went exactly as planned we can be easily grateful for and use that to inspire our gratefulness for what may not have gone as perfectly as we would have liked. As I have said many times before... there is nothing wrong here. It is ALL good and it is ALL taking you somewhere. BE with the ride, moment to moment...

Personally, I am especially grateful for all the people in my life. They ALL inspire me! Yes, really... every last one... that includes all my friends on Facebook and all the blog readers. If I began a listing of all the things I've learned from those in my life and those on Facebook it would make this article very long. Just the act of enumerating all the people, let alone what I received from them.

So, the content of my life is rich. Why? Because I let it be rich. I invite it to be rich by my gratitude. I let good wishes wash over me like the balm of life that they are. I pay attention to all actions. I listen to the words people speak. As each person speaks, they are speaking their life into existence. As I speak, I am speaking my life into existence. It is an honor to be here... to be in this life... As I look at the meaning of saying that, I realize it is a privilege to be here. Really. A privilege. And, this privilege is WAY more far reaching then some of the awards that we make up and that you hear about on cable or broadcast TV. This privilege arises on the inside. It is awarded on the inside. In that respect, it is an inside job. The job of our life. The award for being a human on this planet.

Embrace the award of life you have been given. Embrace who you are and who you chose to be... be grateful for all that that is....

Happy Holidays - From both Montressa Tesworth and Mike Vecchio

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thankfulness... Gratitude...

Thankfulness and Gratitude propel your life!

The biggest turn in Montressa's life happened when she finally realized how thankful she was for ALL of it - for all the people in it - for all the events in it. She comes to a realization that it ALL is taking her somewhere - regardless of her judgments about it.  Nothing is there by accident.

So on this Thanksgiving Day, I am sharing my thanks to everyone for their contribution to me! It has  been a great year and continues to expand and I love hearing about the gratitude of others... it is this gratitude that is transforming life on Earth...  It is this gratitude that is transforming me....Very exciting to see, feel and be a part of!!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!!

And above all, Thank You!!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Always BE YOU!

Sounds funny, doesn't it? Like how could I "be" anything else but me. My very existence is me, right?

I'll say this: Yes, that is correct. At the same time there are aspects of YOU you may be censoring. And, you and YOU know what I'm referring to. When the conversation comes up within you - "Oh, I shouldn't say that." that could be a sign that censoring is going on. And, yes, perhaps when you are in the present moment and aware of much, if not all of what is happening... the people around you that you are censoring yourself for may not be ready for "that" truth or that level of truth. That's fine. That's an intuitive call, or that's a call of discernment. At the same time, ALWAYS remember this life is about becoming the best version of who YOU are.  That discernment must fit and serve YOU.

A few quick definitions. When I say "you" that is the "ego" version of YOU processed through your intellectual aspect. So, "YOU" is the magnificent, dynamic, fully connecting energy that resides within your "core". It is limitless and connects with all that is. It navigates the quantum space perfectly and in some way can be a burden for the "you" of YOU. The "you" of YOU may not quite be ready to express YOU!

My point being that just because you suppress a desire to voice something, doesn't mean you are backing from the magnificent YOU. At the same time, there is a counterpoint. And, that is, you are afraid to be that version of YOU!!

Now the truth of the matter. Whether we are ready to recognize and acknowledge it we are ALL aware at some level of the present moment. We are intuiting continuously. Whether "you" wants to acknowledge the magnificence of that varies as our state of being. So, when "truth" is spoken in the present moment "we" all "get" it. We may not like it at the "you" level, but we all get it!! That's the part of us that needs to be "opened". To be able to look at things that are "true" that we do not like. That's where guts comes in. The question becomes, "Do we have the "guts" to acknowledge this and then make shifts that address this. It could be lifestyle changes, changes in our inner conversation, changes in diet... it doesn't matter. What matters is that when we hear the "truth" do we allow it to "resonate" in our being. Do we recognize the connection to YOU. Surely, that is where it resonates. And, as a result, we become more fully aware of who and what WE really are individually and collectively!!

Each time we touch that core within us... we touch that core for ALL of us! Exciting isn't it?

Friday, September 5, 2014

I recently Got a cold.... or did I?

What I'm about to say requires a strong constitution. You have been warned. Things are not how they seem... the gravity wave makes existence pliable.

Funny tittle, right? But, let's talk about the quantum space and "germs" and observation of stuff... you know, remember Heisenberg? Let's explore a bit in terms of  "germs" etc. To refresh, basically, Heisenberg said that whenever you look at something you "change" it. The act of examining it changes it in some way. More specifically, if I define its speed, I have no idea where it "really" is. Of course once you give up the need for a "really" then things change again.

This is where current "science" really breaks down. Everybody knows there's germs, right? Or do we? Several things come into play here. First off, whatever you say is so, is so. So, there was Louis Pasteur looking for "something" that caused something to happen, some kind of disease. Then he saw stuff under the microscope, right. Ah, there they are those little buggers. Those little wigglies. Must be those wigglies causing all this trouble. Okay, lets try this and see what happens. So, what if just postulating something exists, makes it exist. Remember in the quantum space, you get to say. Also, the gravity wave makes space pliable. You can shape what space "is" or the way it occurs to you. That is why I laugh when we hear about scientists "probing" the universe. I hear Carl Sagan's voice echoing in my mind about billions and billions of stars. The scientists want to look at the universe as some "fixed" thing. I look out into the "universe". The what? What it boils down to is that anything that is not immediately me... is out there and the universe... How about that for a definition. That means as I look out at my neighbors house... I am looking "out" at the universe!! Makes it a little more palpable, right. Not quite as mysterious in some ways... but very, very mysterious in others. Also, the concept of immediately me. That's the observer and observed thing. We'll let that go for now.

This ties in with we are all connected. We are all one. So, what I am saying is you can not separate yourself from the "universe". It is YOU. How could you see it if it weren't you? Oh, you'd see it with your eyes... what eyes? Really. How is what you are seeing occurring to you? How does it take shape in your being?

I know, I know... the retina, the rods, the cones etc. Then the fovea and its connection to the optic nerve. And, light and photons hitting the retina etc. etc. For me this "explains" nothing. A big story with lots of words. What light? What photons? Someone decided photons or light packets were a cool thing. So, therefore, THAT must be what stimulates your eyes. Why does anything have to stimulate your eyes unless you say so... the mystery gets bigger doesn't it?

Here's the bottom line: in a physiology book they talked about the nerves and all the synapses for muscle control.. however, when they addressed "how" a person raises his hand - they said he "wills" it... so much for the synapses and nerves, nerve conduction etc.

So, I'll say when we "look out" into the universe we are willing what we see!! When we look at another we are willing what we see... let's see each other for the magnificent beings we are... the creators we are... and when we do... we create it that way and it IS that way...

So, I got a cold... well, I got something I'll call a malady... I felt tired. I was coughing... etc. and I was in the middle of vacation. Didn't have time to slow down. So, I kept keeping on. All the while, the conversation I have a "cold" was going on. So, clearly, even though I can postulate all this stuff... I succumbed to "I have a cold" and "forgot" that at some level I was creating it. I didn't shift it. I did have the further conversation... this is my vacation and I am enjoying it... cold and all. That is all I'm proposing... be vigilant. Whatever is happening in your life is there for a reason. Tap into what that is for you and make personal choices around it!!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Author of Your Life....

Montressa has been quiet, yet I have wanted to do a post for awhile... then I "found" this post and Montressa said do it... I endorse this message!

The words "Author of your life came to me".

Yes, consider that... who IS the author of your life? That would be YOU! As your life unfolds, each decision creates it. It's one decision after the other, after the other. Should I get out of bed right now? I turn to the clock for information... I consult how my body is feeling... I think about where I have to be and when... all this happens very rapidly... and a decision is made... either hangout a few more minutes doing whatever addresses my issues for the moment or get moving... This happens many, many times during the day. Each one is unfolding YOUR life... YOU are the author of YOUR life.
Do you draw sustenance from the Universe, from God... it doesn't matter what you call the divine energy... it only matters that you relate to it... you "feel" it in your being. This is the "ink" of your authorship. This is how you write your life. One decision at a time... Your aggregate decisions form a trail that relays who you are. You're like a comet moving through space...
So, do you have the things you want in your life? Are your dreams materializing? Literally, are they materializing... coming to form. What kind of attention are you putting on them for them to condense and form? The quality of your attention is very important. Are you watching the words you speak? Are you aware of your body language? Everything is telling you something and assisting you in the authorship of your life!!
Are you happy with you? Or, should you be taller, thinner, blonder, tanner? All this is part of your attention that you are creating your life with. Are you aware of it? How much of your life force are you using on shoulds, need to's etc. Pay attention... that is energy that can be harnessed to "make your dreams come true".
All the while, know with absolute certainty... there is NOTHING wrong here... ALL choices you have made are negotiable... just change your relationship to them... stop calling the past - "mistakes"... they are just what happened. Why does it need classification? Ah.. oh yes... your mind will be much happier because then it "knows" what it can do with the information... it has a classification, it has an emotional YOU really want to keep that? Pay attention... you can use that same mind to free you... but you need to pay attention... be aware of  YOUR needs and the needs of your mind... do not confuse the two... they may be very different even if complementary...

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Power.... The Power of YOU...

Who has the power in your life? Simple question, right? Perhaps, more appropriately, who controls the "power"? There is much that looks external to your life. Your employer. Your school. The Local government. The Federal government.

So, where are YOU in all of this? YOU are right in the middle of it! YOU have generated it all, and therefore you control it all!!

The issue, if there is one, is that it "looks" like it comes from outside of you. As has been stated here before, nothing is there by accident. It is all part of the lesson you have come to learn. Part of this lesson is learning the value of "YOU".

I was once in a meeting. I did not say a word the whole meeting, but watched intently every word that was spoken. Heard every question and heard every answer, but had nothing to add to the conversation. As I left the meeting I was "thinking" "Wow, what did I go to that meeting for??" This question was no sooner asked in my head, when the guy who called the meeting stopped me at the door. "Wow, Mike, I'm so glad you came. You brought a lot in terms of your experience." I answered, "I didn't say a word." He replied, "Yes... exactly... you helped me a lot... That means we were on the right track and the conversation was going in the right direction!"

I knew exactly what he meant. I had invented much of the technology which was discussed. If something needed to be added I would have commented.

At that point I started to look at the "vibe" of people. I had learned at an experiential training, called "Life Spring", that leaders are not necessarily at the head of the room, either! I'll give you an example. Suppose you were with a group of people and you realized that the survival of all of you depended on certain information which a few people in the group had. And, you knew that this one guy in the group knew lots about it. He was giving his comments, but there was too much going on and only a few were hearing him... soooo..... you say, "Hey, QUIET... Listen... Listen JOHN KNOWS HOW TO GET US OUT!!" AND, you get everyone's attention and they start listening to John!! Who IS the leader? They are listening to John. John is at the head of the room, but how did this happen!!

And, so it is with life... the leaders are not all at the front of the room... learn to value that!! This is why it is important to connect to YOU. The YOU at core... the YOU that exudes a passion for something... the YOU that found that passion and is willing to live it... to sustain its "vibe"... YOU become a holder of frequency... the best metaphor I can give comes from the book "Fahrenheit 451" where each of the people become a "living book" because all the books have been burned... YOU are the living "vibe"... bring your vibe to the party...

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

About Living Continuously....

Suppose, just suppose that I am wrong about living continuously if you chose it. And, you can ONLY chose it from the free space of choice. Meaning, you fully accept leaving or staying... you have no "reasons" to make the choice you make EXCEPT that is the choice you choose. This takes the ego/mind out of it. You're not "afraid of the unknown of death", you are not "in love" with life... It's like chocolate ice cream. If I ask you why do you like it, the free choice answer is "because I like it!" That simple. In the words of Henry Ford II "Never complain, never explain." Actually, he got that from Bernard Baruch.

One of the "things" you must do to "stay" is pay attention to everything. Every word, every action, the food you eat... Now after all that... suppose... wow! You find out you must leave. So what!! Look at ALL you have trained yourself to do. Look at how you are captain of your life. Look at how you are connected to the universe. You got to say how you want your life and took on responsibility for your life. How great is that? What a massive training program. How do you "think" that will affect you energetically in total?

So, come to a place of living your life as if you are going to live continuously! Notice how much stress it takes off and it totally decimates your "bucket list". Who needs that? I've got plenty of time!! This way you "make room" for the universe to act. And, you are paying complete attention, so you catch every detail, every nuance of creation. All of life fills you all the time.

Also, as the kids mature then the importance of I as a parent... goes away. There is such a rush for parents today. Like when is my time? I need to do this and that for the kids. So, you're living continuously AND you're training your kids to live continuously!! That to me is awesome. Do you see the trap in the way we have been doing life? The mind loves it... Life.. starts here .... ends here... easy right... hmm... maybe not, huh. Look at the stress, look at the "needs", the requirements in this life in order to "do" it properly. Oh noooo.... starts here.. ends here and oh we don't know what will happen... life is random event!!  Yeah, sure! Thanks for sharing - mind!!

That's how many of the stresses of life are generated. You know the drill. If you want to make anything interesting... put a limit on it. That's how sales promotions work. Thirty percent off  through June 25!! Limits work great in terms of activating the "mind's" concern!!

Do we really need to do that with our life? Really?

So, I say enjoy life... choose to live continuously...

Friday, June 20, 2014

Why It Is Imperative to Awaken Immediately, IF Not Sooner... - Part III

I wanted to finish this topic today for the time being.

For me the scariest part is not the GMO. The GMO is not the "real" issue, but a symptom of it. The real issue is the residues left after crops are sprayed with the miracle weed killer. THIS is what flies under the radar. Tests with rats for 90 days is not sufficient when the plan is WORLD distribution. I have no quarrel with making money. And remember what Mark Twain once said, “the lack of money is the root of all evil.” Many quote it as "Money is the root". However, you need to approach making money with complete integrity and an open mind. Something massive like what is going on makes the world a Petri dish. What I find interesting is that there are many groups that are alerting people to this problem. I have dealt with statistics for many years. It is based on the fact that the process of life is a random event. What do I know about life? It is not random. Not in totality and not in the quantum space. That doesn't mean statistics won't work. However, the statistics themselves become a malleable quantity. Depends on how many and how long and whether the appropriate variables have been clearly identified. AND, if proper numbers and measures have been taken to identify those variables.

There was a time when I "used" statistics for the "good" of the customer. Bean counters, also known as accountants, wanted a cheaper product that "others" were using. I told them the margin in the "statistics" of our company required that we keep doing what I originally designed. That was a true statement... mostly... depending on temperature, the other product would have "satisfied" the government criteria, but ONLY at room temperature!! So, the statistics might have worked, but for me room temperature is not sufficient!! Like there are no cold places in the US? Let's apply just a bit of integrity shall we!

So, statistics... be careful... the fundamental assumption that life is a "random" event is unfounded. And, the Heisenberg theory of uncertainty guarantees that things change when something is examined!! So, what manifests is where our attention is at.... place your attention wisely... it is the direction of your life force... that's a wake-up call...

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Why It Is Imperative to Awaken Immediately, IF Not Sooner... - Part II

Paying attention is critical. Actually, this nation was founded by people who were paying attention! It came home to me the other day, right in my area. It was a wake-up of major proportions. I live in a small rural community where there are many small farms. Not the big conglomerates, but small, "been in the family for a long time" farms. I get this flier from a local farm supply chain: "Glyphosate Plus Herbicide - fully licensed for use over the top of Round-Up Ready - corn, cotton and soybeans?" This is the major ingredient in Monsanto's "Round-Up" product!! And, this works with Monsanto's terminating seeds... those are seeds that commit suicide at the end of the growing season and they are insect proof... They are at the core of GMO. Genetically modified organisms.

It's a good thing I don't believe in conspiracy theories. It would seem the plan would be for a company and all its backers to take over the world food supply, because the seeds are patented. Even with the wonders of science, will this new organism provide the same nutrition as the one it "replaces". Not to mention the juicy add-ins. I'll mention here the soil depletion reported to the Senate in the 30's ... that is 1930 btw... and which little has been done about... low zinc, low boron and many other low values for trace minerals... so, this new GMO corn, wheat etc. is being layered on top of  existing agricultural issues. I have been buying my vegetables from a farmer at my local farmer's market. Last week I asked the farmer in the bib overalls, we call him "Mr. No Spray", "So, you don't spray?" He replied, "Oh, that stuff.. it comes from China!" He was referring to "Round-up" type products. So, not willing to jump the gun.. I go to the internet and type in - China Glyphosate - This farmer sure knew his stuff. I was unaware there was a China connection too! It's big industry there.

My point is:Are you careful about what you eat? Do you know where it comes from? Are you supporting farmers who are buying into the "new" source of food? If you are, and you want it different, you need to pay attention. Otherwise, your dollar vote is going to these farmers who have decided they need to survive by buying into what is being served up.

I'm not criticizing them. They are doing what they need to do, BUT with the faith of "When you build it, they will come" it will be possible to support farmers who provide quality nutrition to all interested people. Notice the increased incidence of various diseases and allergies. It has skyrocketed over the last 20 years. Medical science says "better diagnostic techniques." Not buying it... it's too pandemic for it to be just better diagnostics. Remember the computer adage... garbage in garbage out... "food" is supposed to contain all the molecules you need to sustain your life. That statement is everything you need to know about nutrition. That's why it is imperative to support farmers who will provide real food!! You can do this by asking questions and paying attention! My wife and I chatted about this and the fact that real food is more expensive. I quipped it's probably double. Then sat back for a second... then said, "Hmmm... a good deal if you double or triple your life span... how much is that worth?" Better yet, let's shift that and renew ourselves all the time and live continuously!!

This got long too.... more next post!!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Why It Is Imperative to Awaken Immediately, IF Not Sooner... - Part I

Montressa has been generous to me again...

Have you noticed the "drift" of this world? Read the news service's spin on things? Heard the official version of yada yada? Don't things seem a little off sometimes? A little too convenient to all involved. Global warming... oh we can put a tax on the offenders... I'm good with that... BUT it also gives a measure of control to the taxers and apparent taxee... Think about it, the ultimate taxee is you!! Would you run your life the way that corporation who so cavalierly said, "Sure, no problem." 
We'll "pay" for our carbon foot print. Guess who really pays if corporations are to remain profitable and taxable? The consumer, that's who! You see, you really can't get away. It just "looks" like someone else's problem. You supporting that business in anyway supports that decision!

All that I'm proposing is pay attention... that's all you have to do! Pay attention to YOU and what you need. That is part of the Awakening process. Your life matters, you need to get that. We all need to get that our life matters... all the time. Everything we do or don't do matters...

Here's the thing - the way we have done life on this planet is: You're born, you live and then you die. Well, who wouldn't want to leave after you let your life and your body go! After you treat your life and your body like some trivial passing. After letting things be the way they were evolving because you weren't paying attention! You reach a point and you go, "Wow, things are really screwed up... good thing I'm getting out!!" If you don't pay attention you are setting the stage for your leaving.

Then there is the attitude of kick the can down the road... let someone else handle it. I'm outta here anyway. Really? What IF you actually were staying the duration? What IF you had to put things right with the Earth before you were able to leave? That's right. Convenient to leave isn't it? Convenient to let things go. You're leaving anyway, right? What if I told you whether you stay or leave, energetically it IS still your issue? What then? Not possible you say. 'au contraire mon frere'...

I was once contemplating what it meant to commit suicide. A vision arose where a man in tremendous emotional pain put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger. Guess what? Nothing happened. The intense pain was still there AND he had disconnected from his body... I saw the bullet go right through his head... now no body to carry or experience the emotions in!! Hmm.. he "thought" his last predicament was bad! Try being a disembodied soul in pain in an "ether" where you are only a tormented energy. No body to carry the pain... no body and life to work out and shift the energy... just pure concentrated torment... this was so real to me that I was shaken...

So, you know how some say - Life, you're not getting out alive. I would say, "You're not getting out of your existence whether you're alive or not." And, that too brings me to a choice... if THAT is the case, what is the point of leaving except for the "thought" that it solves something... and for me, leaving it doesn't solve anything... if anything it compounds things...

more tomorrow...

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

ICE, India & Old Lovers - Finally Available!

ICE, India & Old Lovers:

Is finally available on a limited basis. I was not initially planning on doing this, however your support has been wonderful! So I will do the best I can to get copies out to all that would like to have one of these "collector" edition copies. In effect, you are part of my journey. I only have about 60 copies in this printing. I am planning an Amazon release of substantially the same design and format. Because of the Amazon price structuring it will be more costly.

Also, for this edition only I will personalize each copy by signing it.

Use the link: "Buying - ICE, India & Old Lovers".

Thanks again for all your interest. We can shift this planet by each of us becoming all we can be... As my friend Shana said to me once, "The best version of who we each are!!"

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

ICE, India & Old Lovers - Time to Move Forward

How to get your Signed Pre-Release Copy

I know Montressa has been posting her comments for awhile and you're wondering, "Hey, when can I read this story?"  The other day, Michelle Crowley, a Facebook friend, wanted to know about how to get a copy of ICE, India & Old Lovers and I promised to figure a way to get copies out sooner. Also, I have gotten other requests and have decided to sell pre-release copies.

The info for buying your copy of ICE, India & Old Lovers will be under "pages" to the upper right on this page early the week of June 2, 2014. Also, check out the "background" and "comments from Annie Burnside" as well!!

Monday, April 28, 2014

The Kaleidoscope of Being...

I asked Montressa if I could post something that has developed in me over the last few days. Her commitment to being all you can be was obvious in her reply, "Yes of course..."

The title of this blog and all the information came to me at once.

Over the last few days, Annie Burnside posted a Facebook comment about the distribution of wealth. And, the inherent question was "Is this the species we chose to be?" Well, while we are making choices all the time, I'd say many times they are "automatic". The automatic part is generated by ongoing existing information "within" us that is based in the fact that things are a certain way. We are not aware and don't take the time/opportunity to ask ourselves what do we really know about the particular choice involved? Where is this choice coming from in terms of our assumptions?

Given that, as I looked at the question of wealth distribution and the further question, "Why do some have so much more than others and why do others, many others have less." One euphemism may suggest, "Well, everybody can't be rich!" ...Right?  ....Well? ....Or can they? And, what constitutes what that richness is? As I wrote rich, what came to mind? See how that is determined by our societal knowledge and "programming". Each one of us has their own version of what "richness" is. For most, it comes in some form from what we have seen or have lived and is in our experience base.

As I went deeper into what Annie Burnside was saying and in the middle of my comment, I fully realized that change comes from within! While, I wrote, "The outer is a manifestation of the inner," I didn't really connect with the full implications of that statement. Let's talk about time here. Once you realize AND accept that in spite of all your experiences to the contrary, there really is no time. We made that up then live it rolled out day by day. In a sense that's life as we know it. That's the way we have done it.

Okay, what does all this mean? What I realized is that there arose up in me a desire to "fight" the injustice. Yet for me, what Annie was proposing was a level of trust in the universe... meaning when I change me... then I change EVERYTHING... it means that the background conversation - everyone can't be rich, can then dissolve. And what about, resources in this world are limited. Is that true? Also, there is only so much Gold. Are these really true statements? Of course we have lived this way. I get that. But that is EXACTLY what I am addressing in the early part of this post. Are we willing to give up what everyone knows, even given we still live in time? Your logical mind will say... wait you don't understand. If this, this and that is true then... I say this to our logical mind... don't understand... you are not seeing all of it. You are not even evaluating the base assumptions you're basing your assessments on!

I know, what can arise up in us is something to the effect, "You crazy, deluded asshole, what the hell are you saying... just think about it this way and it will be so?" Yes, exactly. Well, close. Be in you that which you seek. Be peace, be happiness.. Be fair distribution of wealth.. then you will think fair distribution of wealth... suddenly, like the red Mustang you've noticed and been liking, you will only be seeing red Mustangs... Ever notice that phenomenon?

Say to the Mountain be thou moved to the sea and it shall be so! Jesus had 12 remedial disciples who couldn't get this... let alone the human population.

Montressa would say, "We are navigating the quantum space without a license." And, she would be right. What do we know about the quantum space? Really, every "time" we attempt to connect, our experience base, our prior knowledge, gets in the way. And, unless you are paying attention it is shaping you transparently.

So, are we really making choices in the full knowledge of the universe or in OUR full knowledge of OUR universe. The latter for sure. THAT is why things are the way they are. Get to a better state.. like the commercial says...

So, Annie Burnside was suggesting, go to that place within and let the answers surface. And, my comment about this: is that many of us don't get there... the answers are behind a pain, behind an existing conversation or belief, behind a sorrow, behind an injustice, behind shame. As I have said before, it takes guts to get to the REAL YOU. BUT, as others have said - the ONLY way out is through. Really. Do you want the real YOU or not? Do it... get help... join a group dedicated to this... whatever it takes.

Here's a motivation for you. When you become present - you are present in the moment - present to the real YOU. You are seeing the experiences of the moment from the real YOU. You are hearing the judgments of your mind from the real YOU. It is now available to YOU rather that being hidden and invisible. Rather than being filtered through little you.

There is nothing wrong with "little you" filtering it...but YOU need to know this.

So, now the punch line: I realized that change is this simple. As each one of us shifts to a new perspective the "mass consciousness" shifts. And, the faster we do this, the faster the change manifests and the faster we see it in our lives and it becomes the new normal.    

Monday, March 31, 2014

Taking the Lid off! - Montressa's View

Well, I am glad Mike started the post about taking the lid off! So, it only makes sense that I address some of my lids. And, boy I had them. That's why I needed a bff like Alex. She always had a sense of where and what the lids were. You know, she would ask me questions about where I was at and it helped illuminate things for me.

Well, I had the father thing. I wanted his attention and his respect and thought I had to do things or be a certain way to get it. Guess what, that's not true. That's a "nice" idea, but it did keep the invisible prison walls there until I could see them.  Then there was the "there won't be enough money if I set off to do what I want" fear. And, there was the "I'm not qualified" to do this conversation I was in. Shall I go on? Okay... Through my conversations with Alex and through my perseverance I kept going and heading for what I wanted. Then there's the "my boss won't like me if I leave" idea I had to get through, as well as what will my father think. That was a big one and then there was, "the company won't survive without me!" That was a fun one too. And, it was true, I had done a lot for ICE. But, then the ICE board made some decisions on their own that I couldn't support. So, that paved the way for me to make my decisions about my life. You know, life has a way of working out... especially when you find those pesky lids!!

What it boils down to is this: "Is your life worth it or not?" Yes, there's all these "things" in the way, but you need to connect with YOU. As you identify the "lids", those invisible prison walls that keep you in place, you need to ask yourself, "Is this true? Is this really true?" That is how you make the lids visible and ultimately THAT is how you remove the lids. Once you can see them you can then begin to make choices about them!!

But, make no mistake about it, I had to confront many things. What I mentioned above are only some of the bigger things. Then there are the relationship issues - oh, the lids... my word. But, I got to see those and confront those as well. I talked about them many blogs ago. I just didn't relate them to "lids" on who I am!! They definitely were. They were tied in with self-worth and even family issues. Oh yes, very invisible, but once you put some attention on them and the importance of your life, lids get visible in a hurry. And, you can make choices about them that address the fundamental question about you - "Is my life worth it or not?"

Friday, March 28, 2014

An Interesting Experience That Relates to Lids

We meet with some interesting people once a week and do among other things what is called "The Realization Process" based on work by Judith Blackstone. This process connects you with your body, so that you are fully inhabiting it and at the same you focus your awareness on the fact the "space" you inhabit is part of a continuum of space. It is all connected. In another process called "Core Breath" this becomes more apparent.

So, a few days ago after we had done Judith Blackstone's "Realization Process", our group was talking about how "the one" pervades all of us. Yet we are all differentiated and distinct. How is that we questioned? We are all different, yet one. Almost a Koan... right. Then, I saw it clearly, the underlying energy of us all and because of this energy we can be differentiated as we chose it! As I sat with this realization... I could see how we make agreements to come into the duality. We take on certain energies that we choose... some of which we then choose to "shift" here in this duality. These energies can and do pervade us and the reason we make the choices to shift them. This was such a powerful insight for me because I saw it perfectly the knowing level...

And, I'll add here... I actually had a complete sense of the energy underlying all of us and then actually saw the way we assemble the subtle energies to our being. It is like a sculpture. There is a base... and then form is added that differentiates it from...say a "plain" rock. The "form" is added by choice and can be shifted as we choose. All this is part of a free-will universe. Although, I will say, sometimes the "choice" is only to say yes, as may be the case with karmic issues.

The reason I'm mentioning this now is to provide some background about lids. This form we put on to form all of who we each are can contain lids that we may wish to shift during our life in the duality. In total, I really can't address where all of these energies come from. There may be karmic issues that need to be addressed etc. Given that, it is what it is. Actually, I'm being as clear as I can be because every issue, every lid is there for a reason. As I have said many times... there's nothing "wrong" here. And, this is very important. The ego may take this into judgment because that is what the ego does. It assesses and differentiates. That assessment can cause action on your part. You can decide to shift something because ego has notified you that it is "wrong" or does not work for you. That is how the choice to shift something may arise. Even though that choice arises at the level of mind, it can still be useful to you. As the ego learns to trust you and YOU learn to trust the ego a balance is reached. Also, YOU and the ego will learn that the assessment is not black and white. It is what it is and there are choices you can make around that. The ego may initially perceive it as black and white, but YOU will add scope to it by using your total awareness. By doing this, you will learn to deal with the ego's assessments! Just ALWAYS be aware, there is nothing wrong here... it is what it is and there are choices to be made.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

More About Lids...

So, the lids are the invisible fences of our being. That is why it takes vigilance and perseverance to detect them and come to terms with them. Sometimes it happens as a Satori... a moment of complete recognition. Oh, this is why I do that ...or this is why I believe that.. It all comes from your inner knowing in those moments. At other times you need to look at your life and ask yourself... why is this happening or why is my life like that? Ultimately, it is all about your attention. When you ask yourself the right questions and put your attention on the lids that are confining you, you can begin to see them. It is important to realize that there is "nothing wrong here". Put another way... eliminating the negative... everything is the way it is supposed to be ..until this point of recognition! Now, at the point of recognition, we can make choices around what we see as lids or confinements. Some are very simple.. in an instant you know, this no longer serves me! Others times you may struggle with it. You may "need" to see them a few times until you are willing to trust your knowing and make a decision to go beyond them. Also, any criticism you have is a product of ego. Ego is looking for things for it "fix" so it has to be able to assess them.. this is wrong, this is too this or too that... however, it is still ego talking... ego assessing... at a deeper level you just know... GONNA do it differently... then ego may kick in with a justification ... Oh yeah, this isn't working.. fine, but your inner knowing has spoken... and because of the depth of the knowing, ego was not required to justify your actions... your actions are of being and choice... not of ego and rationalization!

Ever hear of someone who just said, "I'm gonna quit smoking" and stopped right then and there, cold turkey? Who do you think made that choice?  I have seen that several times. And, it is a powerful place to BE. It's about an inner truth and it comes from being. The ego will "struggle" with it, but YOU know what needs to be done and do it completely and immediately. In this instance, smoking was a lid to that person's health... boom... a decision from core... gone!!

And, this is true of ANYTHING in your life! Boom a decision from core.. gone if need be or brought into your life if need be, a creation... boom done! That's how powerful we are as humans when we stand at the precipice...

Monday, March 17, 2014

Taking The Lid Off!

Taking the lid off? Off of what? YOU!

I had been concerned that Montressa or I had not posted to the blog in awhile and the other night I heard - "Take the lid off!" So, I said, "Okay, let's look at that."

Well first thing, what is the lid? As you do, I had a sense of the metaphor presented by this. As I sat with that for awhile, I started to look at how the "lid" confines me. And then, what would happen if there was no lid. If my confinement was removed?

So, then I started to look at what confines me. Then where does that come from?

One thing for sure is my thinking that things are a certain way. They aren't any way. They are the way they are and they shift according to my attention. That is, as soon as I put my attention on something it is already shifting. Sound familiar? Heisenberg Theory of uncertainty. As soon as you go to examine something it becomes vague. You then are uncertain about where it "really" is. Interesting how we accept this in the physics lab, but not our life.

Okay, so where is this lid? I mean a pickle jar has a lid and I know where it is, right? How about us as humans? Where's our lid?

That question is worth looking into in detail. My immediate answer is that it is invisible, at least to us!! And, that is exactly the issue. We need to look for it. Look for bars that are confining us. That's the thing. It's a prison where you can't see the bars without looking for them. Yet, if you put your attention on them - they show up! I love Dr. Heisenberg! IF there is a reason to become an aware individual that would be it! To look for your invisible confinements. Look for things that are keeping you from being YOU. Looking for that lid.

Even our fear is part of the lid... oh my what would happen if the "lid" came off? There is fear in that question that probes our most intimate of unknowns.

There are many that would like to keep the status quo. Well, even if it is "bad" at least it is known, not like what could happen if we take the lid off. Scary, right? So, fear does "help" keep the lid in place. Remember, it takes courage to be you. It's not that you don't have the fear... you do... but take it with you as you look for the lid in you.

Monday, February 10, 2014

A Few Comments on The Last Blog...

You create your life. One of the points from the last blog was that even if you become aware of or find yourself in a situation that you might have a judgment about, it's where you place your attention that drives your life. So, no matter where you find yourself, once you become aware of your situation you can shift your attention. For instance let's say a person finds themselves living in their car. One conversation that could come up is the judgment, "I'm not making it" or "this is not good". That's perfect. You are in the most powerful place in the universe... you know where you are!! I'm living in my car and "it looks like" I'm not making it. This now gives you choices. And, this is where passion comes in as well. First thing is, be totally honest with your self. Is it worth it? Really.. is it? That answer will well up in you. Oh yeah, I want to be a... whatever it is. What do you know at his point? "This is hard". Yup... in a judgment, yes it is hard. More accurately, "you don't like it." That's fine. Will you keep doing auditions or submitting your work? Yes. You want this. Also, immediately start doing something to shift the attention. Opposites... NEVER, EVER think this is trivial and "sounds" good. It resets your life flow. The trick, if there is one, is to actually get your being to THAT place. So, what's a good opposite - well you were at "I'm not making it..." Notice the "not". The universe, from an attention perspective, only focuses on the key words anyway -  "making it"! So, what to do... "I am making it" and "I have done it this 'way' so far". That shifts "this is not good" also.

Don't believe this? Dr. Amen, a cutting edge brain researcher, has done brain scans where he actually can see visually, yes visually, the effect of opposites on the brain. The brain begins to function differently. A friend of mine has chatted with him about this.

The words give access to your being and how your life is flowing, your Qi. Do you want to keep it and your life path flowing from your deepest aspect that you've connected with?  Really... it's that simple. Who do you chose to be? I have to use "not" here. It's NOT about the words themselves... they are ONLY telling YOU what is happening energetically for you. The words are your "sign post" of existence. Usually, you only speak words that reflect your state of being. By shifting your words, YOU shift you. By listening to the words you have access to YOU. You must at least start by shifting the words to where you want to "be"... as in your being would like to "be". Saying the words starts that process. But wait there's more... a little more time and they settle in to the point that you do not remember or connect with the previous emotional state. That is when you have fully shifted to the new perspective AND your life shows it to you immediately. Most write this off as my "luck" changed. Well, that would be great in a random universe. The universe is very precise, specific and on purpose.

Now, you are going to ask, "Well, did those performers actually DO THAT? Did they really shift it?" Yes.. they did. How do I know? Well - what happened? How did their life turn out from that point? Now, here's the important deal... they did not need to use any "technique" to get there... somehow... some way... something shifted them... a phone call from a friend... a donated coffee from Wendy's. Doesn't matter how... what matters is they shifted!! Their being unaware of, we'll call it, the "quantum process" makes no difference because they did what they needed to do in their being. They came to a place of "moving" forward. That is all they needed at any given time. What I am providing here is an insight into the mechanics of the shift and a way to manually get there.

The real point of that post was that however anything looks - YOU still get to say!! On this planet, in the words of Henry Ford, "If you think you can or you think you can't, you're right!!" It is THAT simple. And, in the paraphrased words of Pramahansa Yogananda, "You're not beaten until you quit!" He has a great story about a staggering fighter ready to go down, but summons the courage to throw the last punch and knocks his opponent out!! That is a shift of attention - motivated by sheer determination!!

Your life is motivated by your passion and sometimes it just looks like "sheer determination".

Friday, February 7, 2014

It's A Hard Knock Life...or Is it?

Montressa has been a bit quiet this month so she wanted me to talk about dramatic shifts in life! Well, here goes...

I woke up the other day and I was contemplating life changes in people. And I know I post a lot of stuff that sounds like ra..ra... yeah, go for it... you can do it! Like a workout coach...just one more set.. and you've got it.

So... the title came to me from a song from the Little Orphan Annie play and movie...

 It's A Hard Knock Life
(Orphan's Chorus)
 It's the hard-knock life for us!
 It's the hard-knock life for us!
 'Steada treated,
(Orphan's Chorus)
 We get tricked!
 'Steada kisses,
(Orphan's Chorus)
 We get kicked!
 It's the hard-knock life!

Clearly, at this point in her life Little Orphan Annie has her "attention" on how "hard" things are.. BUT we ALL know things will be getting "better" for this little admirable and clever orphan!! Why because her attention was shifting. No matter what the circumstances, she put her attention on the things that mattered for her!

As a point of reference, I decided to research the paths of some people you might recognize..

Let's start with:

Sarah Jessica Parker

Life had it's issues for this Ohio native. In fact, SJP's mom, a teacher, and her truck driver dad had to go on welfare at times to feed their six children -- then the aspiring star got her big break on Broadway at age 13.

How about, Tom Cruise

While Tom Cruise's net worth is somewhere north of $250 million, did you know his childhood was spent living in near poverty? His family moved over 15 times -- even into Canada -- as his father searched for work. As Tom pressed on he got a big "so called" break.

And, you know Jewel

This country crooner readily admits the fact that her childhood wasn't picture perfect. Check this, her childhood home in Alaska didn't even have running water and she and her dad performed in local bars to provide income.  What some call "hard work" paid off for Jewel: After she lived in a van while trying to break into the music biz, her first album, "Pieces of You," went platinum 15 times. She's has also sold 28 million records, reportedly earning $30 million to give her son, Kase (who she had with musician hubby Ty Murray), a much different upbringing than hers. Hopefully she has a copy of Annie Burnside's "Soul to Soul Parenting"!!

Want more?

Jim Carrey

When he was a kid, his dad lost his job. The family was forced to live in their car. To help get the family back on track, Jim got a job as a janitor at Titan Wheels Factory in Canada when he was in ninth grade. The year he got that job, he started performing stand-up comedy in local clubs -- which clearly has paid off.

Never forget, Oprah... either

Oprah was a rural Mississippi native. She was raised by her single teenage mom, and later by her dad in Tennessee. Raped at 9 years old, got pregnant at 14 and her infant son died. But, she stayed focused, followed her passion and worked hard and things turned around once she got a gig as anchor for a Chicago news station.

and what about

Hilary Swank

Hilary draws from her life experiences when she's getting into character. For many years her family lived in a trailer park in Washington. Finally, Hilary dropped out of high school to pursue her acting dreams and moved to L.A. with her mom, where they lived in their car. She then booked "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "The Next Karate Kid."

Shania Twain

Shania is a survivor. Growing up in rural Canada, her parents sometimes couldn't afford to feed their kids. Shania taught herself how to hunt and chop wood. She also performed in bars as a young girl to earn family money. When her mom and stepdad were killed in a car accident at 22, she moved home to care for the rest of her siblings for several years before heading to Nashville in 1993 to go for her big break.

J.K. Rowling

In the '90s, J.K. Rowling was a single mom trying to make ends meet. Writing in her little apartment, "Harry Potter" suddenly became wildly popular and her life was transformed forever. These days, she uses her $800 million fortune for good by donating to organizations that help the poor and kids who come from single-parent households.

Now, clearly and I have stated this before, YOUR life path is YOUR life path! It is a private thing between you and yourself. At the same time - a life path is a life path and your life is driven by your internal conversations and your passion!! The possibilities are exactly the same! The ONLY difference is that for YOU they are YOUR possibilities. The above are clear examples of the tenacity it takes... it takes guts to be you... but it is sooo.... worth it!!

Choose to be all of YOU... I endorse this message!!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Synchronicity... How One Blog Affects Another Blog...

So... Mike read a blog this morning by Annie Burnside... and he said that I should talk about my qualifications and my desires in terms of my career. He mentioned that the blog talked about the "need" to be certified for doing what you do.

Well, in relation to me and my life THAT was the point. While I did attend a prestigious business school and it did qualify me to do the kinds of business things I was doing... that truly was not where my heart was. As I got older I began to realize that big time!!  But, you know there is all this pressure around you to keep going in the direction you are on, so you just keep doing what "seems" to be working. So, there was my family, there were my "failed" relationships and there was my boss. Powerful combos to keep doing what I was doing. Of course, there were also subtle health issues, failure to establish a new solid relationship and dissatisfaction with the ethics of my business climate that also added to the equation that was me. And, of course my bff ever, Alex, would ALWAYS give me the straight scoop. And, of course, I always initially resisted her wisdom!! Apparently, I wasn't fooling anyone but myself. You know, the German Shepard thing... just because my head is hidden and my butt is sticking out, no one can see me! My point being, you need to get honest with yourself... brutally honest. You look at yourself in the mirror and see little "laugh" lines that aren't so funny. You take a GOOD and honest look at your face and you see, yes, literally see, the stress in it. Then the question pops in your mind... WHAT THE HELL are you doing GIRL!! That was a satori moment for me. A moment of "enlightenment".

For me, I need to plot things out... I pulled out my computer and started to look at my holdings to see what would happen if I quit my job. I chatted with Alex who basically needled me. And, you know I can't blame her. Things were pretty obvious.

So, here's the deal. I hadn't finished my PhD, in psychological studies, but I really wanted to contribute to "transpersonal psychology". Like, how do you go about doing that? Well, I'll tell you. You become very clear on exactly what you want and then go for it!! And, as I've said in other posts, sometimes the "overnight" success could take 20 years... and that's okay as long as you are ALWAYS moving to your goal... whatever that is. For me, I had the money to do that and move quickly. Well, there were sacrifices I needed to make initially. For most people they would be trivial. You know, I had to give up my house help... shudder... and my Lotus... shudder... shudder... well... that was tough for me!! You could at least offer a hanky!! Hey, that was as difficult for me as, say, giving up Starbucks fancy drinks.

My life got better and better. In fact, after a few months, the reduction in my stress just let me smile ALL the time. Not to mention my meeting the coolest people on the planet and taking a deeper dive into me. Oh yeah, things were still stressful at times, like when Ross flipped out over lack of sleep at the lab. But, remember, we were doing things we loved to do. So, well a little overload here and there is a small price to really enjoy who you are and what you are doing!!

Then too, I was the needle for Ross. That's probably why our paths crossed. Well, that's another story... sort of my "pay it forward"!! 

Friday, January 10, 2014

We Further Interrupt This Blog.... for Mike Vecchio's 115th Dream... Land of Hope and Dreams

Since, once again, this is outside the scope of Montressa's experience and she has graciously allowed me to commandeer her blog...

I was driving back from Florida this past week in an effort to beat the storm to my hometown... and I did get there before the storm did.

I have some select tunes on my phone - and I connected by Bluetooth to the radio errr..."entertainment console" of my car. I played the Bruce Springsteen song, "Land of Hope and Dreams" and something came over me - is the best way I can describe it. To provide some back story, my mom lived in Asbury Park a few blocks from where Bruce Springsteen lived and one night friends of hers and I were chatting and telling stories about Bruce. One told about how they used to see the neighborhood kids gather at his porch and Bruce would come out and jam with them. This was during the early 80's at a time he was struggling to make headway with the E Street band. Fast forward, I watched the show he appeared on with Jimmy Fallon one night and then we attended his "Wrecking Ball" concert in Pittsburgh in Oct. 2012. and watched him perform live and crowd surf the audience... so I feel very close to Bruce...

As I listened to the lyrics of the "people's poet" I marveled at his greatness.  Suddenly, Bruce and I were hanging out at a small dinning table. He had a warm cup of coffee in front of him, his hands wrapped around the cup and I could feel his calm and almost self-effacing energy. He was staring at the cup, almost mesmerized in the moment. So, I told him, you know this song is great. He shrugged his shoulders... "It's what I do, you know? There isn't another way."

In another instant, I was immediately transported to the previous week. I was sitting side by side with my son who was looking at and processing my daughter's marine biology diving pictures on his MacBook. His fluidity with it blew me away. I then saw I was sitting next to greatness. The Greatness of who my son is... and the Greatness of who my daughters are and the Greatness of their significant others... I was transfixed at this realization as I drove... and I returned to Bruce then and asked to no one in particular... what IS Greatness?  By this time, the honor of being allowed to see all this greatness caused tears to well up and run down my face as I drove.

Then I asked again - So what is this Greatness?

Please... please really get this...

Here's the answer:

"Greatness is about the "excellence" with which you approach who you are..."